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Posts posted by antthenait

  1. as principal includes ..... then we may get 10% x 15 Days ..... that's mean only 150% Return after 15 days ........... For Base If we invest $10 .... then We must earn $15 after 15 Days.



    So Only $5 Profit after 15 days ............. So I think due to low RoI Basic Investors won't able to get more profit.



    Sorry .......... So Sad

  2. I Just Joined .......... 2 days ago ........ But Admin is a big cheater .......... I've deposited $10 for Base 1st Plan ......... 2 days spent no response got from the Admin.


    Because After my transaction of LR .......... nothing added into my MCA-Fund account ........... I thought Admin might be added manually ......... But Nothing added .....



    Admin is a cheater ..............

  3. This site may or may not be good ......... but we may try our luck ...... I think $10 is quite enough for basic starter ............... If the site will pay us .... then all their monitor will be shown all details.


    But still now all are in "Hold" position ............. Expect very soon we'll see the first payout ...... after that we may try ............... Today I've sent a support ticket .... wait for the reply.


    If I'll get any good sign ........ then I must post reply ..............



    Till then we must stay with the site ..........

  4. Hello, I'm Not the Admin


    30000% - 50000% after 30 days

    Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

    Plan 1 $10 - $100 30000.00

    Plan 2 $101 - $500 35000.00

    Plan 3 $501 - $1,000 40000.00

    Plan 4 $1,001 - $10,000 50000.00

    Calculate your profit >>




    1000% -3000% after 3 days

    Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

    Plan 1 $100 - $300 1000.00

    Plan 2 $301 - $500 1500.00

    Plan 3 $501 - $1,000 2000.00

    Plan 4 $1,001 - $10,000 3000.00

    Calculate your profit >>




    110% - 880% after a day

    Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

    Plan 1 $1 - $200 110.00

    Plan 2 $201 - $500 220.00

    Plan 3 $501 - $1,000 440.00

    Plan 4 $1,001 - $10,000 880.00

    Calculate your profit >>



    Referral bonuses:

    Name From To Commision (%)

    Level A 1 20 5.00

    Level B 21 50 10.00

    Level C 51 and more 20.00



    Currency :- LR/AP/PM


    First Min:-$10

    Later Min:-$1


    Join fxfinancefree :- http://fxfinancefree.com/?ref=antthenait

  5. IP: 91.206.227.XXXReport Bad VoteShow All User Votes 2011-01-24 invested money in the account

    have not appeared: 00:41

    23.01.11 Transfer 4753502

    Sent Payment 5.00 USD to

    account U1021206. Memo:

    Shopping Cart Payment.

    amgproject Purchase Shares.

    Payment ID: amgproject

    …the support is not




    Look at these proof .............. these told that site is a SCAM .............. not only low RoI ......... but Admin is a cheater/hacker ...... no one can get pay .....


    233 Days spent ...... only 1 monitor .......... and too low fool members with the site


    I suggest you all to never try your luck with this site .......... you'll be SCAMMED ........

  6. This site looks like SCAM on front view ........ because monitor account details is not configured properly ......... and total deposit/withdraw is not shown ........ any Admin has deposit for an eye-wash


    I think if the site become legit ......... then also their RoI is too low for return ........... no one will join here ......... and the site will close soon.



    Thank You

  7. @ standart you are 100 % right ........... 1.25% - 1.75% is not any RoI ........ too many free bonus sharing can give us many more RoI ........ where min Dep Amount is $10.



    and secondly .......... 20-60 Days fixed deposit .......... too bold ideas for us ........... I think No One Can Get Any Good Profit from them ...... not only low % but their important fund will be block for months.



    I think just leave this idea ........

  8. Hai ..... this is a 100% SCAM Site ........... you've told us multi currency accepted ......... like AP ........... But they can accept only Pecunix ........ Damn Gold Currency ....


    and no one deposited into that SCAM Site ............... Only Admin has deposited the amount for fake ......... idea .............



    Just stay away from that site


    SCAM SCAM SCAM ..........

  9. This is a very good site .......... But I think that we can't get any profitable gain from this site ...... as RoI is very low .......


    so me and my community ........ are not able to join this site .........


    If you have any good idea to gain from this site .......... then please reply here with helping guide ........




  10. Yes, pops


    your idea is 100% correct ......... because those script are called exchange Reseller Script .......... No Admin has control this service ........ Only bot robot takes our fund .... mostly SCAM.


    although someone ..... got paid ...... they are Admin's community ..... or some time Payout/Withdrawal has processed on FCFS Basis ...........





    So, Uncertain Pay

  11. They are big cheater ........... they just change their location very often .......... so After give them LR ..... they just change their location ..... so sci is expire ..... but they must cheat our fund .



    Stay away from those site .......... they are called Exchange Reseller script ..........

  12. Too poor RoI .......... tell me how can we gain from this site ........... after give $10 ........ there will be a change of 100% SCAM ........


    another thing is; growth of this site is too poor ......... only 18-20 member ........ and only two depositors ........ (Co-Admins) ..........



    Very soon will close the site ...........

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