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Everything posted by antthenait

  1. Though their designing quality is very ordinary but this program can be suitable for any serious people because they have $10 of base and daily 1.5% profit - mean very expectable for all. We also can see their strong platform as they have ssl with site lock. So our transaction will be safe and perfect. Expect some assure profit from them.
  2. I do not understand that where did you find those monitors who gave scam status - where I can see two monitors with paying status. But I agreed with you because this site should be a scam or already became a scam because because their plans and ref. commission are simple impossible and we can not find monitor at rating section. It still online because they already paid some advance payment to their hosting provider.
  3. The design quality of the site is very ordinary and I wish that they need to change it as soon as possible for get better traffic. Also their RoI plans is no so good because 20% after 7 days mean around 3% per day which has additional 1%. They need to bring some natural plan for make us stable business.
  4. antthenait - 10th Payout Proof [AP] Thanks Admin
  5. antthenait - 10th Payout Request [AP] Displayed Username : antthenait Amount To Request (DMT points) : 708 Payment option Alertpay ID : thebuxfor@gmail.com Thanks Admin/Mod :- Hope I'll get pay.
  6. The design quality of the program is quality good for us because people should like it due to their simplicity and softness. They are looking like a forex agency. So we can expect some better profit from them. They have tiny basic of $1 and 1.2% of daily RoI because we can get 112% of total or 12% of net profit after 10 days - mean 1.2% of daily RoI. We expect 3 payments in this month after complete 3 rounds.
  7. Good to see some site like Valid Fund. We can see some best feature like AP useability. The design quality of the program is quite good for us. Everyone should like it and get involve. But we can take their ref. commission scheme only because their daily plans are simple risky for us. We can see their daily plan of 10% of total net profit. So we need to make invest after get support from any monitor.
  8. We are glad top get such stable and paying program. they are paying to all members and monitors. So we can find active posts at hyip proof forum. After seeing their good support all monitors shown some interest of take their project. So we can see some monitors like Hyip.com,GS, Max hyip & hyip explorer. Hope that very soon we will some another 2 popular monitor of Scope and List4hyip. We can make some more plans with their project.
  9. I do not know that what happened exactly because this site is down from my end now. As you told us that this site had ssl with strong server. After that this site is not open. I think they might left their site or lost it's bandwidth. I would like to say all newcomers to make a complain at hyip authority. We found It's mean they have some script problem. But it is sure that they should need to scam because their business model was not stable as they had some plans like 200%+ or 300%.
  10. You are right but I think I already mentioned about that matter. But I would like to say you about a matter, you told us that this site already has a monitor. But I can not see any rating/monitor section even won't find any monitor at homepage. So please tell us that section from where we can find out their monitors. Because we are looking for follow some information about their current status.
  11. Right now they are on day they are on day 12 and hopefully they should try to complete this week at least but their current status is very poor. It seems that their fund status is not very good. Because there are only 12 active accounts from among 61 accounts. So they need to improve some quality for gain better active members. Else they need to close this program.
  12. I can not support your idea completely because still we can see their latest payouts whose are made on today. Though we can tell then 90% scam but never say fully scam. We only can assign any off site be a scam. But it is true that they are going to close their program - so have to take care of our fund and try to get back our deposit money by make a complain at hyip authority.
  13. I would like to say you a matter because you told that they have very very risky RoI. We know that all hyip(s) have huge RoI, where 1% to 2% can be stable for some months, even sometimes 5% per day also stable for a month. We only can say a site very very risky that whose have 10%+ RoI per day. Where they just provide 3.5% of daily RoI. You know they just willing to pay us 240% of total return after 40 days mean 140% of total net profit or approximately 3.5% daily.
  14. What did you said that this site was not opened from your end. I think you might had some technical program like dns error or isp error. Even you also have to test you iis storage like caches or cookies. Because sometimes they just hold some buffer. I say this because this site is running fine at my end.
  15. I would like to show you something more. Because we can not find only 125% plan. Those are Though they have strong and best platform or current paying status - but we can trust them for a while because their farther plans are simple impossible for any. Still if you wish to test their program then can try their basic of 127% after a single day.
  16. I do not know what happened exactly because this site this down at my end. Might be their php code has some code error. I think they already migrating their script or moved their hosting. Because this error never occur for loss of bandwidth. So we can wait for some more days. I would like to say you all that if this program will come back again then please know us by make a little reply.
  17. Right now their voting raking is on top. Because peoples have votes 100% for their best performance. I hope that they should stay here for some more days. Only a matter which can make us worry because still there is only 3 monitors and a single is popular. Still we can looking for some best support and feed back from seniors.
  18. Why did you said that this program is not 100% safe. As a senior member should know know hyip mean 100% risky like cheat fund. People also know that this program is not registered bank and they have risky program. After that people should try to absorb some risk for get better profit. Now matter is we have to make experience and try to play a safe game.
  19. As per their graph report we can see that they are in profit. Because they involved their business in some forex or marketing. So if they really made profit then they should try to stay here for some more days. Finally for stay some more days they need more investment - which can be found from from us. We should need to look at their total profit because for this reason our payout will be made very on-time.
  20. Starting with LR and PM we can take this program for some period but do not try to stay here over a long. Because their total infrastructure is not very good for make any long term business. I told that we can stay stay here for some little time because their daily plan is 1.6% as 20% for 5 days will be deduct as principle. We expect some some good profit and on-time payment.
  21. Right now they just stay on 2nd week and I wish that they should able to complete another week. As per their server record they just paid over $3K and their last payout was made on 2nd of May - mean today. We can see many monitors include GS and Scope. We also can see that this program already paid to another monitor List4hyip - so very soon we should see another monitor listing at rating section.
  22. @archu7, I would like to say you about this program that do you still can open this program. Because this site is down at my end now. I think this site might lost it's bandwidth or removed their script. Sometimes it also can happen due to dns problem. As we know that during change of hosting we have to update dns data set - which need up to 48 hour for update.
  23. This program over 2 months because their current running days is 60. So they already became an elite or going to become an elite site. We can see a good monitor but bad news is one monitor gave the suspected list.So we have to think about some more before make more invest.
  24. I do not believe that it could be a technical issue of display zero balance at their server report. Because if they really paid us then any one should tried to show their payout proof. Still not their monitor button doesn't work - it's mean they never paid us and ever pay anymore. But still we have to wait for some more days. Because they are still online - mean little possibility of start payment.
  25. Finally a good news came. Because at least we can see a single monitor who just telling us that they are paying now. As per their monitor record this program paid them on Apr 22nd, 2012. So we can expect some more good news from them. Now we can contact with the monitor about any rcb offer.
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