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Posts posted by echofrommadiun

  1. Well,guys no need to doubt the paying status of this forum since it paid it first member there.You can go over and see his payment details.Now you're certain they're paying,why don't you take a date with them?

    You can join under my link,that's may signature here,since there's a referral contest going on and am in.Or add legendkid as you referrer.Thanks alot.

    Waiting to see you there.

    I saw the payment proof too. It's so obvious that the forum is paying that I quickly registered in the forum this morning. I see that there are more activities from the members and I hope I can also be active in making posts there.

  2. Couple of things.

    The matching bonus offer for $250 or more may be retracted after this month(March).


    You have to pay your monthly subscription to get the revenue share. You won't get anything without active(paid) membership status.

    Yes, you get 20 Asterios for the monthly payment.


    Honestly CA lost some luster with decreasing rate of revenue share, since they deny but it wouldn't be where it is now without the monetary parts as a main attraction.

    And I think the existing members should be careful in recruiting people, especially family and friends if things doesn't go as expected.

    Yeah... I agree with you, keuss. The revenue keeps decreasing so we have to be careful in recruiting new members at the moment. We don't know what's going to happen with CA in the near future. That's why I delete an article promoting CA and my referral link in my blog.

  3. I cant get to golden for weeks. before i at least a few time in the day could reach my favourite forum. Now i asked a person resend my password to my mail for to try to get in that way. I cant.

    Its always error 404. So i tried another way i google goldentalk. The i go for cashed and yet its a blank page with http error or whatever it say. i dont know how to solve it more. i mean this is the forum i like.

    im comfortable with. :( Help anyone? oh and it is the same for goldpoll for me...what happened?

    Well... I am not really sure of the cause of your problem. I can access the forum well at my end. Perhaps, you need to change your browser to access the forum. That's my suggestion and I hope it can solve your problem.

  4. I feel a friendly atmosphere among members every time I enter the forum. They keep replying posts to each other and they do it happily. Without realizing it, they have made a lot of posts and within a few days, they can reach payout. It's just a great forum.

  5. It's good if we could make good activities in this site because we will get payment for sure and we could make unlimited

    posts in a day. The members in here are active so it's not impossible if you are active, you could ask payment once in 2-3 days.

    If we could realize that, so we could get about 6-9 dollars weekly. That's good amount of bucks right?

    I think you need to be very careful if you want to make unlimited posts in a day. It will be considered post chasing and you can be banned for that. I have ever heard a member who was banned for making too many posts in a day.

  6. well, my upline used to say like that one can earn more like $250 per week after few years of upgrading with the one time fee $270 AP,

    the weekly commissions start from the very first week of investment and that keep on increasing by 5% every week,

    and according to that the commissions keep on increasing also the earnings are of course based on the revenue earned by the site.

    if what I have been taught was wrong, if you any clear information on this, update us here, that will be much appreciated.

    No, it is not correct, my friend. I think there is misunderstanding between you and your upline. You need to pay $19,95 to become a gold member and $250 to buy a matching bonus. So, the total is about $270 but $250 or the matching bonus is not a must. It's up to you whether you want to buy or not. If you buy it, you'll earn additional $250. Then, the total money is $520. We know that $1 is equal to asterio so it means you now have 520 asterios. With that many asterios, you'll earn a comfortable income from CA every week. I hope it explains the whole thing.

  7. well, I think both is the same, it doesn't make any difference even if they credit that winning prize money to the CA's accounts,

    I guess it can be allowed to withdraw, along with the weekly commissions,

    as this is the program that shares their revenue among the upgraded members, I think one can get commissions in huge amounts depending on their seniority.

    I am sorry to say but the amount of weekly commission is not based on seniority or those who join earlier. It depends on the number of asterios each member has. So, it's possible that a newbie can earn more weekly commission than the senior member because the newbie has more asterios than than those of the senior one.

  8. It's great to see that more and more members are interested in upgrading their membership. I hope it will maintain sustainability of the forum as those upgraded members will surely be active in making posts in the forum. In the end, the forum will always be lively and hopefully, will last long.

  9. yeah,the last payment made was March 8th,it was also the time i got paid for my pending payment of almost a month. :P i dont know why they are not clearing all the pending payments yet but lets just be patient. i also have one request in there for now and just waiting to receive it. while waiting,we can post on other forums right?

    I agree with you. With so many pending payments in ESF, we can focus on making posts in some other forums. There are some other forums where I can make some posts. When the pending payments in ESF are cleared out, I will resume my activities.

  10. As what I have read in max post in GT, they pay members for quality post not in quantity post. Maybe some members do just post without quality and they are not credited from it. In order for you to get high amounts in here, you should provide some quality posts in the forum. I am glad that one mod there commented on me that I am one of the quality poster in the forum:) I requested payout awhile ago and I am not expecting high amounts, low amounts will do for me. I am hoping that all my posts are of good quality to be credited. Let's see how much will I get for my 2nd payment here.:)

    Thanks for the reply, rage. So, when a member get paid only $3 or $ even 2.5 for 100 posts, it means the quality of the posts are not really good. So, As I said before, I think it's just like the rate in GT where we earn based on the quality of posts.

  11. I have receive two payment from goldentalk this week. The first was 5cents per post. And the second is 4cents. So basically i have made 10dollars from this forum this week, and right now i need to post around 10posts to reach payout again. I love this forum.

    Congratulations on your two payments! I think 5 cents per post is the highest rate I have seen so far and not many people can reach that. I expect to reach that rate. My highest rate is just 4 cents per post which happened a long time ago.

  12. I am still 70 points DMT away from my next payout request. I believe I am going to reach minimum payout through AP which is $4 by the 20th this month. Then, I expect to get paid before the end of this month as the payment is done weekly now. I just try to enjoy my time here and make 5 - 6 posts everyday.

  13. I have checked the forum and I notice that it's a new forum as I haven't seen many threads and activities. The rate per thread and the rate per post are interesting but the minimum payout request is a bit high. However, it is acceptable. I think I'll still wait and see if somebody gets paid by the forum.

  14. One thing is now clear to members.That admin of GlobalMoneyTAlk is giving his members more trust since he's now almost online everytime i pop in.And now that the rates have been lowered to 5-15cent per post depending on our post quality,it's making this forum a place of pleasure to post.And activities here is really great.

    Yeah... I also often see him in the chatting section lately. He and his staff make some comments there or just greet his members who are online. I am glad to see that he really cares about his forum and the members of his forum.

  15. Members who find a problem in entry to the Forum at some times , tried to enter to the Forum by another browser,

    because this problem happened to me by firefox and when i used Internet Explorer , I was able to easily access to the forum .

    So, you have to change your browser to access the forum. I can access the forum using firefox well and I have got any problem so far. I only experienced database error problem which of course, also happens to all members.

  16. I got $30.20 from CA and this is all referral commissions on as my referral purchased matching bonus :D

    I will give him RCB also as he is my good friend :D

    I am thankful I got good refs here too and very generous friend :D

    Well... You are lucky to have such a generous friend that can buy matching bonus. I also have a referral but he is not active as he is still a free member now. I just hope he will upgrade soon or I will give him RCB someday when I have enough funds in my AP.

  17. Indeed, mylot is the right place for the newbie to learn ways for earning money online. In the forum, the members discuss different ways for making money online and for the newbie, the information might be very useful. Based on the information, they can choose money making programs that are suitable for them.

  18. I still see a long list of payout requests. It contains 3 pages and the oldest payout request was submitted on Feb. 14. I want to see commitment from the new admin to pay the payout request fast. So far, only some payout requests have been cleared out. I hope the rest of the payout requests will be cleared out soon.

  19. I think increasing upgrading membership fee is not a good idea. $12.50 is quite big for a small online earner like me. I don't think I can afford to pay for that at the moment because I still join another online investment program. So, I just stay as a free member in the forum.

  20. I think loading problem or database error problem is a common thing in GT. It may come and go anytime. When that happens, there is nothing we can do but to wait until it is back to normal. Anyway, the problem is just temporary and it is usually fixed quickly.

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