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Posts posted by omar..elalfy

  1. in fact , i got paid 6 times from that site but there are many problems there that the admin closes many accounts there with no reasons also he takes about 10 days to pay for you although he do not pay from his pocket , i was very nervous of that so i left that site a month ago.

  2. the worst thing there that if you requested your first payment , the support team will send you a pin code to your real address so i think if they sent it to wrong place , i will lose all my money in addition the offers there are very hard to complete also most of them are for the blog owners.

  3. yes its now a PTP forum that pays from 1-5 cents per post. payments are made monthly every 5th of the month. some doesn't like the idea but i think thats to sustain the site while theres not a lot of advertisers. i bet this will change in the future.


    i do not like to post in forum which has no known rates per post in addition i do not like to get my payment monthly like here so i can post there only my proofs of payments and see if i will get paid or no , if i got paid there i will start real activity there like other ptp forums , and i will win the top poster contest , loool .

  4. yup not many member know about hyip and mostly member like talk about other GPT discussion like PTC or PTP.i think it will not make mylot bancrupt just for adding those topics there and it will also make member want to visit this site again so its mean this site will have more traffic


    i opned this forum also i checked the payment section , so i found many pending payments there in addition the admin processes the payments there slowly like MoneyEarningForum admin so it will be better for us if we left it because it is just wasting our time there , we can be active at any ptp forum which pays fast.

  5. yes it is not good that admin will leave some payment pendings though we have requested in the right day of cashing out. i guess admin has not much funds and will just pay members only few payments at a time.


    i think maybe the admin has no time to pay for many members because he must check your posts first the n pay for you , so i think we can earn in this forum by adding our payments proofs only so that we can earn too but i will try to get the e-mail of the admin and talk with him about the forum , i will post the updates too.

  6. I also got a deduction here when I requested my first payment because I concentrated on some few sections. I got complete payment in my second request, although that was when the delays occurred. But i think, long delays are already a thing of the past.


    i got banned there 5 months ago after i joined there 3 days due to copy and pasting posts because i was newbie in ptp forums but now i sent to the admin message to accept my apologize and let me work again there , he accepted it fast and reset my points to 0 so i can be active again .

  7. The admin recently announced the weekly winner of the site's top poster contest. The winner posted some 300+ posts. I don't know how much he won but I think, this site DMT, should also create a similar cotest in order to push members to increase their activities here.


    @pinoycity - the winner of that poster contest is me , lol .. i posted 365 post there through 4 days only so i earned about $11.39 there in addition i won the contest too which i get $2 on my AlertPay account so if you tried to be active there only , iam sure you will earn more and more because of the contests.

  8. i noticed they will delay your payout request if you have not posted your last payment proofs to at least 6 forums they have in their list. anyways, i have made a payout request just now.


    i think you are right but i did not try that because , always i must follow the rules in any forum i joined so i post my last proof of payment in 10 forums at least to get credit too beside i post them to get another payment too , i think the admin do hard working also he pays daily and fast for us so we must follow his advices.

  9. Hm. So admin is keeping a track on every post before paying so he is looking on quality of posts. If u posted alteast 150 characters then you can get around 4-6 cents per post which is quite good and the 100 post can be reached in no time which would mean 5-6$ weekly which is good amount.


    no my friend , the admin pays from 1 to 4 cents per post at most so if you posted long high quality posts you will get only 4 cents per post so i think if you posted 2 lines posts in MTV you will get too the $0.04 so it will be better for you if you posted in MTV or LOT so that you can earn more and faster.

  10. for now there are so many pending payment request.I'm about to request my payout also but I don't think I'll get paid anymore. even with such low rate admin can't maintain the ptp.


    i think you and me will not get paid there anymore because the admin and the moderators left that forum , although they pays low rates per posting for members but they lost all their money from their pockets , so i think we should posting there till the admin payf for all requests there , that is my opinion about that forum also iam sure you agree with me .

  11. i dont know where sinip is ,he havent response for my problem.thats too bad.im waiting for him to reply me or help me out of my problem.i cant access this site until now.ive already send him my ip maybe any problem with my ip and their hosting.


    i think this forum will lose many activie members because of that delay in payments which made monthly and some times once every 60 days also the admin does not reply to our questions or supports tickets there in ITM but about HyrexTalk i think the admin there are better because he is online daily also he pays through 14 days .

  12. i am trying to follow their rules to post in the other sections. but it seems there is no payment processor section. there are not too many sections here compared to other forums. but still i have to post in these sections i see here. y


    actually , i can advise you to post in CPT section there like other forums , i might post there in my weekend time because the forum is paying form members but there are about 10 pending payouts there which requested 4 days ago but the admin did not pay for them till now. so iam worried about that.

  13. it seems to be that it is not usual ptp forum like the others , so i can not post in any forum which does not pay for me directly to my account in LR or AP , so maybe i join there after the admin returns it to usual ptp forum like the others with payout minimum and contest like referrals and activity poster.

  14. Still there is some problem of point system and after posting it not updating and hoping Admin will fixed it . anyway there is no ptp section specially but all in gpt section and also we are able to post hyip payment proof and discussion in same section which is not bad i think.


    i loved the new script of that forum which is amazing , but posts rates there are good for me because there is no minimum payout to request your money there , i can work there for 1 hour and got about 50 points then i request them to my LR account with no fees or problems at all , maybe i try posting there soon.

  15. Out of the 18 forums I am a member of, I just chose 5 PTP now to post with and DMT is included in my list :D I like posting here as I am comfortable posting also I like the layout and the rate is also favorable to me. even the management of admins and mods are great. and admin is always present in the forum and is fast in terms of payment :)


    in fact , i included in my list 10 forums to post there in my free time of the days so i think DMT one of them too beside MTV , LOT and EP which gives the high rates to the members posting there , i love posting here in DMT forum because of the good rates and the king staff.

  16. You are wrong, forum is still paying , the matter is just, payments are done with delays. Admin is making plans to make this forum lively and regaining active members here again. He is planning to make some contests where in members will surely like and prizes that are really alluring.:) so let us just wait for those changes.:D


    iam not wrong my friend due to the last payment was done about 20 days ago there beside the deductions so i advice you to leave it my friend till the admin cleared all the payments requests there , also i can be sure that the admin leave that forum because he did not logged into his account there 7 days ago.

  17. I am just 9 posts away to reach 100 posts here in Gt and request again my 9th payment :D I am happy that there are still active members in GT and they are still posting actively so I have many threads there to reply with and it will really help em to reach 100 post tonight. :)


    iam sure you will find mant threads to post today because there are much activity there in GT forum because of the high rates which given to the members there but i can not post there because payments proofs are not allowed to post there so i have to post real posts there and take huge time to get my 100 posts there.

  18. I had registered 3-4 days ago and i have already made more than 100 posts in their forum, and I have around 120 points there , I will reach the minimum payout very soon and I will cashout from there.


    i think you are active there to reach 100 posts through 3 days only , but i just joined there yesterday because i saw many proofs of payments in the last week for that forum , but iam sure that they take much time to pay for members , so maybe i can use it to post my proofs of payments only.

  19. I just made 500 points here and then got paid after 3 days when I requested my 1st payout. this is one of the fastest paying forum now and its good to post here but I already gave up posting here though they have 4 cents rate per post as I am really busy offline and I have many sites to attend online. I just chose 5 PTPS to post with these days, but I may post back in MTV when I can have more time :)


    actually , MTV and EP are the best places to post and make more money because of the high rates per posting there in addition the fast payments which done by the admins of them through 3 days at most also there are many contests there to make you earn more , but for me i want to try 1 ptp forum daily to earn from all forums.

  20. I think admins idea of having bonanza days where post rate will increase to 5 cents per post will really make members active in the forum as members don't know when will it start and though I know when, I can't tell everyone. but it is really near. within this month.. bonanza days will be started by admin. Hope all will earn much .. ENJOY posting at LOT and EArn a LOT.:D


    actually , maybe i will post there from today again because of the bonanza bonus , because will get 5 or 6 cents per post and thread also for posting in payments proofs section , so it will be more earner for us in that day working in LOT , i still hope the admin add upgraded option because i want to earn more by using my money.

  21. I am just done posting in Ep and I already reached my 6th cashout here. and I posted cashout request already. hopefully admin will pay this week or next week. I requested again in Alertpay as I dont want to have 10% LR fee deduction when we request payout in LR.:D


    yah , i did the same thing because %10 fees on LR is some big to lose money with no reason , although in my country LR is more expensive than AP to exchange but i will lose more if i lost 46 cents as fees with no main reasons that i requested my 1st payment with in 406 points , i hope the admin pays fast to us because i need the money this days.

  22. can you believe that theres still new members signing up? i try to fish out referrals here for now. if i cant use the site to earn money then i'll use it to promote instead. i hope my friends would still open their accounts though.


    it is strange to see members still joining there although no payments done for members there in the last 40 days that the last payment done there was about in 8th March also there are about 40 payouts requests there which did not get paid for members so i think this forum is a scam forum now and i advice you all guys not to post there .

  23. I don't have problems with the delays of 3 days because it's still acceptable. We cannot avoid such delays if admins have some work to do offline and got a little bit busy that time. All of us has personal reasons and he has too. We should just be patience and wait for payments if ever there will be a pending. I am very active in this forum because I see the potential that this forum will give me some good amount of money.


    @ rage35 - you are right about that but i can see that the admin takes 5 days to pay for members not 3 only , in addition he did not pay for the members ( 50 cents for the first 100 members will post in topic there ) also he extended the referral contest for another month so i lost my 4th place and the $20 there as my prize.

  24. There are a lot of contests always in the forum like the best picture of the day in which you can post unlimited images so i like posting in the forum and till now i have only got 28 posts there trying to post more and stick to every section.


    i think you should be more active there , i just joined there yesterday morning also i got 120 posts there so i requested my payment today , i hope the admin do not take long time to pay for members because i heard that the admin there pays monthly so i wish the admin processes my payout request through 7 days at most.

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