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Posts posted by hayoomaa

  1. not bad rate click and good minimum payout but it never be sure about the minimum is really that low without try it

    or see some payment proof

    on thier state they show that they paid

    but most of ptc that use buxhost sometimes fakes results

  2. Dissapointing. The rate is actually very low. The actual rate is only 0.00003, something like this.

    The site looks like clickite. It has a PTC and Paid-to-SignUp system.


    Avoid this kind of site. It will take you forever to cashout.


    that what mostly i heat about such ptc when they changed the rate not as they advertise

    this is the state

    Members 1,030

    New Today 64

    Hits Today 43,699

    Online 26

    Payouts Made 31

    i see only 31 payout made andthis is not good for the number of total member

  3. 119 Members

    8 New Today

    1,821 Hits Today

    4 Online

    0 Payouts Made

    $0 Total Paid

    its seems so new one

    and no one got paid yet

    i see the rate is good for click

    not good script but this what we always see in such gpt sites

    i will join but i will wait some time to see in their state if any body got paid

  4. i have no problem with this ptc but i wonder how its name is no min and the min payout is 2$ which is too high for such ptc

    i never try it but i read somthing like this

    hope some one fix my information and give the right amount to payout

    this is the state of the site for now

    Total Members: 1302 | New Members Today: 10 | Total Paid: $92.1

    its little new and the state seems good

  5. i can't believe that much of ptc now a days

    it so big amount that lunched

    and it so hard to trust one until see payment proof

    and ass we see it also so hard to trust in bux host sites

    so i don't know about this one as i'm not see payment proof

  6. good ptc i think it also honest like onbux and neobux

    but as others it will so hard to reach min payout easily without ref

    i hope they support liberty reserve as payout option

    also i think get active ref here is just so hard especially the min payout increased every time you withdraw

    but its honest and trusted

  7. i have serious problem now days with ads its not loading and always give me error

    that make me so angry because i have many ref so i'm not ready to loose money from them

    i will try to contact the admin if not resolve today

  8. i requested payout for 2 or 3 days now this is my only second payment so it will be happy to me if my rate is 4 cent like the first payment

    i look forward to reach next 100 posts before receive payment

    i just hope they not delay for payment

    as long i'm no longer face any loading problem in the forum

  9. i have 7 direct refs in this site and they are clicking everyday but i'm not earning nothing from them

    i send a support ticket to admin and they never respend me :(

    i face the same problem

    this is static for this moment

    407 Registered Users | 29 Online | $0 Paid

    no one got paid

    ans this is really disturbs me

    even i think it will good ptc and i love the script and the rate click is good

    so all we have is waiting and see some proof payment

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