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Posts posted by Stekin

  1. Neteller is a very very secured payment processor because they are strict. The payment processor is from UK and they are reliable. You can even withdraw the money that is in your wallet by making use of their atm card. You can also transfer the money to your bank account and this thing will mean that you won't be needing exchangers for this one.

  2. Egopay is a good payment processor. I like using them when I want to look for exchangers because they will provide you the best exchangers that are available for exchange at that time and with the best rate. But their transaction fee is too much and that is why I don't like making use of them sometimes. If they can change it to one percent, it will be fine.

  3. @Standart, I agree with you. The brokers have their own lawyers who know about the business and who are ready to defend their client. If it will be possible to sue them, them broker will still win the case and the trader will go defeated. It is good if the trader will learn how to be able to choose a type of broker that is trusted before trading.

  4. If you want to get free money to trade in the forex market, you have to be able to start posting in the forex forums of the brokers who give traders bonus for trading. This thing is important for traders who want to make money from trading and they are not having their own trading capital. They can use this means to start their own trading.

  5. Money management and stop loss are important for any of the traders to be able to control their loss. Stop loss is a must that every trader who is trading in the forex market will be able to set if he or she wants to make profit from their trading. In other to know how to set the stop loss very well, the trader will learn how to practice in the demo account.

  6. If the trader does not know how to manage his or her capital, he or she will not be able to make profit from trading. Risk management is very important for the traders who want to be making profit from trading in the forex market. They should be able to know how to manage their risk and how to be able to handle their account in other not to lose too much money from trading.

  7. Forex trading is good for the student traders. They can be able to make profit from trading in the forex market and be able to take care of their basic needs. The students need money and they can get it from trading when they are having the good knowledge of how to trade, they can be able to make profit with their investment if they know how to trade

  8. To make 40% of profit from the forex trading business is not easy for any body. It is better that the person will look for a small profit instead of being greedy to invest in a place that they will promise you what they cannot be able to do. Better to have a small target than a big type of target.

  9. The trader who wants to make more and more profit from forex by having more trading knowledge can start attending forex lectures to be able to have more knowledge. It is good to have the forex knowledge and to keep practicing. Forex academic and lecture will help the newbie traders to be able to learn from the expert traders who will teach them different trading strategies on how to trade.

  10. Greed is a very bad thing no matter the type of trader that the person is. When the trader is a greedy trader, he or she will be trading with greediness and this thing is responsible for the reason why the traders lose. It is better if the trader will learn how to be able to control their greed whenever they are trading. The forex trading market is a very difficult place for the trader who is greedy to make profit.

  11. Rebate is good because it is able to make the traders to have some return when they trade. Whether they make profit or they make loss, the rebate company will be able to pay them small percentage of the amount that they lose. Rebate can help the newbie trader to have encouragement and be able to have money back when they lost.

  12. We prefer the forex market to the stock market because in the forex market, the trader can be able to start trading with small capital but that is not so in the stock market. The stock market needs that the trader must be able to have big capital before he or she can be able to invest in the stock market. That is why people like to trade and invest their money in the forex market.

  13. I don't know if there is anything like gangster in the forex world but I know that anything is possible in this world. I'm sure there're are scammers every where that are trying to scam people from different internet business but I have not heard about this one for the first time. May be it is happening in some parts of the world.

  14. If traders who are trading in the forex market are trading with emotions, they will fail. Emotional trading is a bad thing that makes the traders to fail. When he or she is trading with greediness, it will make him or her to trade without good risk management. This thing lead so many traders to losses and they finally lose their money to trading.

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