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Posts posted by anosocialnet

  1. PACKEX - is an investment platform that can consistently and significantly make a profit from your investment. Our activity - it is a trust management of your investments. We work exclusively with currency exchange or Forex and what other tools do not use for profit.

    We do not invest your money in different types of pyramid schemes and MLM. For all of our investors shared on the PAMM-account with InstaForex. More recently, we have started to collect the investment of any size and do not hide the amount of funds invested, giving you access to the PAMM account. You can see the transparency of our actions. 80% of the invested funds are sent to the PAMM-account, 20 remain in the system in order to avoid various kinds of delays in payment. Plus, we can offer insurance function of your deposits in other investment projects.


    Key areas through which you can earn money with us:


    1. Investing at interest.

    2. internal currency system PEX with constantly changing quotation.

    3. Insurance your deposits. you get 5% of every deposit made ​​by you.


    * In the course of our work is planned large-scale expansion of the functional design.


    Investment Plans : 16.5-23.1% for month

    Payment Processor : Perfect Money :

    Reffral Comission : 5%

    Minimum Deposit : 1$



  2. What is this place about in two sentences?


    Collectively owned cryptocurrency forum, where every member is shareholder and gets share of the monthly profit. Shares are awarded automatically based on participation and contribution to the forum!


    Now in little more detail: This is community of people that do business with cryptocurrencies. Any business. Any cryptocurrency!


    Interaction with like-minded individuals greatly increases the chances for great ideas to emerge and to be executed properly.

    That's why we also aim to go beyond discussion. We've got decentralized and transparent start-up incubator. You can find here partners, team members, investors or just pitch your idea and see how it's accepted.


    You become share holder just by participating!

    Another unique feature of this community is that the forum is co-owned by YOU! The system rewards you with shares for every positive action, like posting quality stuff, helping others, bringing new members or just discussing. Based on your shares you get % from the forum's revenue and vote in the forum management decisions. Revenue and management is public and all money goes back to the people that contribute to the community. It's the only way that's fair!


    Once you are done and want to get started, register.



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  3. BESTMONEY-FX offers trust asset management services on the international exchange Forex market. There is no need for you to trade yourself. Entrust this job to our professional traders. On the Forex market trust asset management is a transfer of the right to manage ones funds to a third party brokerage office. In other words, professional exchange market trader makes transactions using client's money, and profit from such transactions splits between the client and the management company on mutually beneficial terms.


    plans: 8% Hourly For 16 Hours, 2% - 4%

    Daily For 50 - 90 Days, 1.5 Daily For Lifetime


    min/max deposit: $ 2/100,000

    withdrawal: Instant

    referral: 5%



  4. BESTMONEY-FX offers trust asset management services on the international exchange Forex market. There is no need for you to trade yourself. Entrust this job to our professional traders. On the Forex market trust asset management is a transfer of the right to manage ones funds to a third party brokerage office. In other words, professional exchange market trader makes transactions using client's money, and profit from such transactions splits between the client and the management company on mutually beneficial terms.


    plans: 8% Hourly For 16 Hours, 2% - 4%

    Daily For 50 - 90 Days, 1.5 Daily For Lifetime


    min/max deposit: $ 2/100,000

    withdrawal: Instant

    referral: 5%



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