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Posts posted by kokamaindi

  1. Home

    Sosoinvest is an Investment Company online that help manages investors funds and pay the investors an interest after the end of the investment period.Customer can easily choose from the listed Investment Plans below.


    Investment Plans List



    14.28% daily for 14 days

    Min Deposit: $500 – Max- $1,000

    Total interest of 200% will be paid after 14 days



    11.9% daily for 21 days

    Min Deposit: $1,001 – Max -$10999

    Total interest of 250% will be paid after 21 days



    10% daily for 30 days

    Min Deposit: $11,000 – Max- $49,999

    Total interest of 300% will be paid after 30 days



    5.8% daily for 60 days

    Min Deposit: $50,000 – Max- $200,000

    Total interest of 350% will be paid after 60 days


    Referral Program- GET 10% Referrer Bonus


    LR & PM



  2. nicely the length of time of plans are very high although interest made available from the hyip is a lot of low i'm sure hyip admin may be able to sustain their hiyp for reasonable length of time by supplying such pace of benefit in ideas. i only hope that will admin must be sincere with his investors as well.

  3. effectively the plans in this hiyp includes both hourly plans and plans of days. i would rather invest profit hourly strategy but by the hour plan is just not in our own range but now 1 day plan is the better plan to take a position money. so many of us must select one day plan with regard to invest.

  4. well this hyip has provided short period plans for investors but i think 1 day plan is most beneficial option to get selected since the risk connected with loss is a lot of low inside and investors will very easily be obtained paid by this plan. i suggest everyone to decide on 1 day plan.

  5. nicely its fantastic to observe that this is another legit hyip. but there exists a huge risk while investing here because the duration is 100 days that can take in excess of 4 several weeks and we are 90% sure this hyip is not going to stay forking over till 120 days.

  6. this hyip can be paying in hours plus launched right now. so i'm sure we dont should be fear simply because no hiyp even hourly became scam upon first day. because very first day is the day during which they pay investors for to attract more investors toward it. therefore invest funds here.

  7. Hello ladies and gentlemen!

    I submit you the new investment project - Latter Day!

    I am not the administrator \founder of this project, the subject has information character and isn't the management for your investments!




    Start date/time: 20.02.2013


    Accept: PM, LR $5 - $5000


    System commission: 5%


    Refferal system: 5 levels! 5%-4%-3%-2%-1%


    Payd: minimal 1$ - instant!


    Investment plan:



    30 days - 7% daily - 0,29% hourly - profit 210%




  8. Outstanding Customer SupportOutstanding Customer SupportOur customer support representatives are ready to help you day or night with any of your questions, problems or concerns. Send us an e-mail or give us a call at any time and we will be more than happy to assist you further. Your trust and convenience are of absolute priority to us and it is our commitment and pleasure to serve you the best way possible. How can we help you today?



    105% after 1 day,107% after 2 days,130% after 5 days


    Min Spend $10


    Accept: Liberty Reserve,Perfect Money,EgoPay



  9. nicely its does not looks like an hyip website but i came across a ptc section in it. there are many ads accessible to click and rate each ad had been 0$ a quite humorous situation along with the payout can be showing 86$ which can be paid to help members. i dont discover how member are generating revenue when charge per offer is 0$.

  10. i discovered a big set of hyip monitors that are monitor this specific hyip and all of these monitors usually are showing this specific hiyp as paying and that is great warning for people. i believe now it is clear in which its a legit hyip currently we dont must scared of being scam.

  11. alixinvestment is usually looking great by it's design yet unfortunately not any protection provided by admin to help investors accounts. and also a higher rate of interest offered throughout plans that seems admin is additionally not trustworthy with investors. i think it'll be go scam within 3 -- 4 days so be cautious here.

  12. i do think its simply a money losing and time period wasting hyip because we can earn 700% + profit such period by short-run plans hyips. also danger of obtaining loss is an excessive amount of high on this hiyp. well, i suggest to prevent this hiyp and choose a different hyip to take a position.

  13. GOLDEN CROP is a long term high yield private loan program, backed up by Forex market trading and investing in various funds and activities. Profits from these investments are used to enhance our program and increase its stability for the long term.

    110% AFTER 1 HOUR Plan Spent Amount ($) Hourly Profit (%) 105% $1 - $10 105.00 110% $11 - $100,000 110.00 Calculate your profit >> 200% HOURLY FOR 24 HOURS Plan Spent Amount ($) Hourly Profit (%) 150% $10 - $100 6.25 200% $101 - $100,000 8.33 Calculate your profit >> 500% AFTER 1 DAY Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) 250% $50 - $500 250.00 500% $501 - $100,000 500.00 Calculate your profit >> 1.5% DAILY FOR MONITORING Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%) MONITOR $1 - $100,000 1.50 Calculate your profit >>

    All payments are made to your account ( Auto Withdrawal ).

    You may make an additional spend as many times as you like.


  14. one day plan will be a good choice here as a very reduced risk linked to this approach while hourly plan will probably charge fee of 1 cent each hour that'll decrease our own profit. i propose to choose at some point plan. otherwise that you are free for making own selection.

  15. well the whole rate of interest from this hyip will be 48% within 12 hours and that is too much high instead of affordable also for hyip admin as well as hiyp can be an Russian hiyp and that is famous of creating scams. and so i am bypassing this hiyp and will not invest money the following.

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