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Everything posted by alam3636

  1. There is nothing to gain by discussing this program which has turned scam long before And is not paying to investors any longer Better the thread be closed or move to scam folder.
  2. Yup this is scam now - and looking at the roi projected there was no way for this program to sustain for such longer period Such programs promising 135% after a day stay only for few days hardly. Now this should better be moved to scam/closed folder.
  3. The site cannot be opened - seems there is some problem When trying to open i get the index page "Index of / * tmpl/ "
  4. JTE is amazing hyip paying since long and it pays bonus even to those who did not invest I withdrawn 13 cents today and that all is from bonus charged - one and only program that pay just to be member.
  5. 12/12/2010 14:59 51164907 U6703046 (JTE Dollar) + $0.13 $0.01 $20.12 Hide Merchant Reference: Memo: Withdraw to alam3636 from jtedollar.com
  6. One good feature of this program is minimum investment is 1$ so it is quite easy to test the program with little amount. Returns are reasonable considering the program is projected for short term And with this roi it may sustain well in short to medium duration. but monitoring plan being different and having only 1% daily return it would be difficult to believe the status provided by the monitors - as program may continue paying monitors despite not being able to pay investors.
  7. Site design is well convincive and good protection in form of DDOS and SSL available. Simple plan 10% daily for 20 days carry highly attractive profit though i consider it quite high and may affect sustainability negatively. I consider it good only for short term and as profit promised is 100% in short period of 20 days carries big risk as well.
  8. I would agree that the plans offered are attractive and profit promised is reasonable Though nothing else than the good plans can be found in this program Like using cheap script, no protection, and not any good work on design.
  9. I find the script used by this program very cheap and nothing attractive in site design Though roi promised is quite reasonsable in most of the plans But last plan looks too senseless and promise high roi of 5% daily Overall nothing attracts me to enter in this program - neither admin looks to have spend any good time/effort/money in this program.
  10. I like the plans offered by this program this program Profit promised is only 2.6-3% daily that is highly attractive and reasonable enough. Further as this program is projected for longer period i feel no hurry to enter - and in my opinion let the program prove itself When it stay for reasonable period it will be a bit safer to invest - as many programs just turning down after getting few test spends.
  11. Monitors has got paying status about this program listed since 3 days now Good thing about this program is lock in period is only 2 weeks in first plan after that we get our principal back though roi promised is a bit low though i agree this may help program stay longer.
  12. Current plans of this program are : 1% daily for two weeks will give the same profit that 10% after 2 weeks give, Minimum invest in both plans is same 10$ So i dont see any advantage of going in second plan where we dont receive any thing for 2 weeks and no extra advantage.
  13. Site design is i feel satisfactory and live support on the site is good to help to solve any querries Profit promised in different plans quite reasonable considering the program is short term one Also each plan can be tried with minimum of 10$ that make this investment affordable for most. But currently the program is so new, and no monitors are listed yet on the side - better wait for some time to find out about real performance of this program.
  14. New program and different look but i cannot say this very attractive Investment duration in most of the plans is in hours and promise quite high profit, the program is designed to stay for very short term term Though $1 is affordable minimum - but being hourly program risk is more here.
  15. I dont believe this program is going to pay investors even in short term Last plan is what makes this program just too risky by offering 160% in 2 days So it is going to be difficult to maintain such high return even in short term of 1-2 weeks.
  16. ROI promised by this program is nicely attractive and reasonable I feel these returns can be sustained for quite a longer period Further this one has got very nicely designed site with good protection. But accepts only ap though which only few can invest using.
  17. Great to here that despite such long life program still pay legitly I wanted to invest in this program but unfortunately the minimum deposit required is just to big for me Just hope the program stay till i arrange funds to make deposit in this program.
  18. But looking at the plans program is projected for quite longer time Returns promised are very reasonable and sustainable for longer term. Instead of going for term plans daily interest plan @1.5% is what i feel better.
  19. @endless bucks your explanation to the roi of 1.2-2.4% daily looks quite reasonable and satisfactory, And also the information present on the site gives good reason to believe that you are really trading forex But you did not answer the querry and infact a weighted question raised by @yogesh - why the profit promised to small investors 1-200$ is just half than those investing big amount And yes i fully agree with @yogesh that small investors are most responsible for making a hyip program a hit program or a flop one as they are only most active users.
  20. First three plans are quite affordable for many as minimum in each plan is 1, 5 and 10$ respectively On the other hand profit promised is very high and i dont this this may be sustained well even in short term. 130% after a day is such promise that will put the program in high risk in first few days itself.
  21. Of course this program has got a very nice design and ddos protection also included Three plans and each having 10$ minimum - roi offered is quite reasonable considering the fact that this is a short term program. It looks the program is going to get nice resonse due to its highly attractive plans.
  22. This program has got a plan that offer 200% in a day and that make this entire program suspicious Further site site design is not attractive at all and using a cheap script Program is going to stay for very very short term.
  23. Minimum invest in any plan is 10$ that is a bit high when it comes to testing a new program Site has got fine look and good ddos security is visible ROI offered by this program is on higher side and projects this program to be a short term hyip. 200% in a week is the returns which we cannot expect a legit investment site will pay - so this one is going to be very high risk.
  24. Username : alam (login: alam3636) Amount To Request (DMT points) : 260 Liberty Reserve ID : U1026885 Thank you .. I hope to get approved and paid soon.
  25. What i like most in this program is minimum invest is only 1$ affordable by all. Plans are designed for long term in mind and looking at site this looks a complete investment program.
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