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Everything posted by wealthtime

  1. this is hourly program and like other offer very high roi for only 1 hour. I like to say that thouh admin is paying the members, generally admin want to attract more investors for his program to get more money. but if any one want to save money then I will say that" don't invest your high valued money in this high risk money system."
  2. the script and design of the site is very normal. he offered 30% daily roi for the minimum deposit of $1 for 6 days. It is too high for any kind hyip. I think admin want to attract more people by offering this hgh roi. But I will suggest every one to stay away from this kind of hyip to save your money.
  3. the planes are long term plane and the minimum deposit in the site is $20 which is not so high nor so low. But the roi offered by the admin is very sustainable and is more reasonable. I think this site will run for long time. So I think this program will attract more people and it is safe to invest now.
  4. the script and design used by the site owner is normal one. The important thing is that the he offer 140% after 1 day for the minimum deposit of $5 which is impossible to maintain for any hyip. and If all run good the site will able to run for maximum 3-4 days then it will scam people.
  5. the script and design used by the admin is normal and not looks so charming. he offered 1.8% roi for the minimum deposit of $1 and only by LR.I think the first is more suitable than other as there is low risk and it is of 30 days only. I think this site will run for some time now as the roi rates are more in stable condition and is more reasonable.
  6. The script and design used by the admin is looks nice.Also he the site has DDOS and SSL protection which is very good sign for any hyip. The site has both hourly and day planes. the admin offered 10% referral commission and here are 1 payment proof. I think this site will run for more days now and it is safe for investment for now.
  7. the script and design used by the admin is normal. He offered 105% roi for the minimum deposit of $1 after 1 day and accept LR and PM.I think the roi offered by the admin is stable and hope this hyip will run more then a week so it is safe for investment for couple of days.
  8. I think the roi offered by the admin is more sustainable and reasonable. But the minimum deposit is very high for anyone. so I think if admin want to get more investors then he have to decrease the minimum deposit amount to $10. Though the I think the site will stay long.
  9. this is a hourly program. the admin offer 111% return for the minimum deposit of $3 within a hour which is very difficult for any admin to maintain.Anyone can understand that the admin try to attract more investors for his site.Butthis is not a safe place to invest.
  10. the script asnd design used by the admin is not so impressive to me.the roi offered by the admin is too high and the planes are long time plane.also the minimum deposit in the site is very high. so I think its better to stay away from it.
  11. I liked the script and design used by the admin.he offer 1.2% roi every day for 30 days and accept only LR which is very bad news for investors. The roi rates are very low for making good profit. I think it better to avoid this site though the roi rates are more sustainable.
  12. the plans offered by the admin is good for all. the plans are reasonable and more sustainable. I hopt this new hyip will pay for some time to get more investor. I will say the hit run rule is perfect for this kind of site. Invest $10 and withdrw your money and then run from this site.
  13. the admin used license script of goldcoder and offer very good roi.the minimum depositin the site is only $1 so here low investors also get a good chance for making good profit. and I think this hyip is safe for investment.
  14. the script and design used by the admin is quite good. the admin used ddos protection and also the site is ssl secured.but the site get very less popularity after 1 day they get only $41 as deposit and the number of active account is only 31. I think the rates are more stable and hope it will get more investors in near future.
  15. the script and design used by the admin is very normal. And the roi offered by the admin 250% after 3 days is very high to maintain.I think the program will run maximum two to three days and then stop paying.
  16. the admin is used very good script and design of the site is very nice.Also admin installed SSL and also have ddos protection.there are 6 hyip monitors which moniter the site and they are waiting for payment. I think the roi rates are in more stable condition and feel safe to invest.
  17. the admin used nice script and also he uses some protection for account protection.I think as the site is new and the roi rates are somehow reasonable. So the site will run more then 15 days and its better to invest in this site now.
  18. the script and design of the site is very simple and hope the site will not run for long time as the roi rates are very high to maintain. But as the hyip launched today so I think the hit run rule will make good profit here.
  19. this is a new hyip which is in prelaunch still now.the minimum deposit in the site is only $1 and they have hourly program.I think the site will run for maximum 2- days as it has very high rates. And it is impossible to run the site for long.
  20. the hyip differ very high roi for the minimum deposit of $5.I think the site will pay for 2-3 days more and hope in this time if anyone invest his money. there is a chance to make profit but it is true that the site will turned scam after a week.
  21. the script and design used by the admin is normal.the roi offered by the admin is so high and the minimum deposit in the site is $25 which is very high. and i think this program is more risky to invest.
  22. the script and design used by the admin is very simple and not so nice. The roi of 124% after 1 day for the minimum deposit of $10 is not so good. I think this is quite high to maintain. hope the site will run three or four days.the site is not safe for investment.but hope it will pay now for 3 days so there is a chance with risk to make profit in this mean time.
  23. the script and design of the site is very normal.the roi offered by the admin is 12% every day is very high tomaintain. I think the site will run for 2 or 3 days. the site is less safe to invest. and will say to stay away from it.
  24. I love this program. the roi offered by the admin is very reasonable and sustainable.the minimum deposit in the site is only $5 which is very profitable for low investors. Also here are some payment proofs whish assure us "they will pay for some time more". Now there is less risk to invest.
  25. the script and design of the site is nice. also the roi offered by the admin.1.7% daily for 180days for the minimum amount $10 is impressive.but the planes are very long term plane. I am not intersted in this kind of long term hyip as there is big chance for getting scam but I hope the site will run for few more days.
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