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Posts posted by PROPENSITY100

  1. Though robotic trading has a major advantage over manual trading and that is it is not influence d by emotions. Still I prefer manual trading because in manual trading we can take quick actions and can take corrective measures if we go wrong anytime.

  2. Forex can be used for both short term profits as well as long term investment purposes. IF we are a hard working person and disciplined in our trading then we can use Forex to achieve financial goals. Learning and practice is necessary before we start Forex and make it our business.

  3. Demo trading lacks essential elements of real trading which are risk and fear yet it can provide a good platform to practice Forex and gain some working knowledge in it. Every beginner should first learn using a demo account before starting to trade with real money.

  4. Demo trading no emotions and risk are involve while in real trading both emotions and risk are involved. However a demo account provides us a good platform to gain working knowledge and practice in Forex trading and real trading should always be preceeded by demo trading.

  5. No matter how much we learn Forex and how good we become in it we cannot eliminate it fully though we can reduce it. we Should always try to keep our funds sage by following various risk management techniques like for example always consider taking trades that offer at least a 1:2 risk to reward ratio

  6. Robo's do not have any emotions yet I prefer manual trading because a robot does only what it is programmed to do and cannot make quick decisions or correct a position if some mistakes occur. All Robots and expert advisers fail at one point or other and at that the result can be a great loss.

  7. Forex for me is the best money making opportunity on the net. Forex is the mighty potential market before which other capital markets look paltry. However Forex is not a place where we can just enter make money and come out with profits. It needs hard work and practice to profit form this potential giant.

  8. Forex is a potential market with extreme possibilities. However it can be very risky and bad experience if we do not care to learn about it before jumping into Forex trading. Without knowledge Forex trading is simply gambling. To earn from it for a long time we need to become fit to enter the Forex market by learning Forex and practicing using a demo account.

  9. What you wrote are just the basics about Forex trading like abcd when learning a language. One should of course start learning from the basics but gradually improve his knowledge to excel in Forex.To exploit Forex and start earning from it we should have proper knowledge and understanding about Forex and its various strategies.

  10. I think we should avoid trading everyday and give breaks in between trading. These breaks are healthy for our health and for our trading as well. Its better to trade when we explore opportunities in the Forex market rather than on a daily basis. Planned trading is better than hectic trading.

  11. Thinking Forex is easy and jumping into it directly without making efforts is a serious mistake and may have bitter consequences.Its essential to learn and practice Forex trading using a demo account before entering the real trading. we can also use a cent account with low deposit to further test our plans and skills.

  12. Forex is not good its simply the best investment option available today. Forex market is the mighty giant before which other capital markets appear dwarf. However to exploit this potential market we should have the necessary skills and knowledge in Forex.

  13. Demo account are a great things to try Forex. However do we actually practice in demo account? While participating in demo contests our aim is to multiple our capital as fast as we can and, do planning and strategies have any place in it? Can we trade with real money in the way we trade in a demo contest? Obviously the answer to these questions is a big N so profits made in a demo account should not be used to estimate our skills and knowledge in Forex.

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