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Everything posted by t2t

  1. Money cycler game? What do you mean by that? Is it something like elitefundteam? Anyways as it has been paying for long no problems.
  2. Transaction ID00001478 From HD2803951 (Mayur Bora) To HD6526450 (Clem)Amount $6.00 Thanks for the payment admin. DMT rocks!
  3. Lets see if this one be like elitefundteam, if there are more people with payment proofs i will be willing to join and see if i can cycle in few days.
  4. The admin of this program has some fowl plan and risky plan. Why will he keep up opening new lines when the old line are stuck? Stagnant? This looks dangerous to me and i have say fareware to my money in this program.
  5. I have not join admillion yet, and i need to see how it works before jumping into this one, firstly i will like to see some payment proofs before investing in them.
  6. You know what i am saving up to start investing in this program, this one looks real to me, and i don't think it is a hyip program.
  7. From today i will not advice anyone to play this game, it is a risk that is not worth taking. I lose much money from this game and i regreted why i ever thought of playing heavily.
  8. I always receive 4cents and sometimes i recieve 5cents per post. But on some occasion i receive 3cents and i feel so bad that i wonder why they are not acting the good thing they are.
  9. I don't have much luck from money cycler programs. I have joined doublemoney.monitor.Cz and until now i have not receive any money from them. The admin is just busy adding new lines to it while the old ones get stuck.
  10. This letter looks like it is written by a kid who is just learning how to write and spell! I don't believe this is true, why do we need to deposit directly from hd money to the said account? How will he know who credited it? I like reading funny letters like this.
  11. This program can they pay that amount for the last plan? I know the first and second plan looks somewhat reasonable but the last makes me shiver. If there are payment proofs from this site then i think it is worth a try.
  12. Does traffic rank really matter in hyip programs? Does this give them chance to get more visitors to invest in their program? Something i like most about them is that they pay daily on calender days.
  13. I too like or prefer to always invest in programs that gives daily payment rather than invest in a program that will hold our funds until the maturity of our chosen plan.
  14. I like this program because they have been online for so long now and one can't believe that a hyip with this kind of plan can stay this long and also they have high referral commission, but why is it now that the admin prince fund register in forums to comments and argue about any unfair write up by members?
  15. One thing that attract me to this program is their write up, they said they we use their own very strategy to beat the market. And also their site looks very professional, i will be joining them to just promote it to my mail list.
  16. In my opinion i don't think it is quite poor, i mean the return of our investment. Doing some calculation it will give us around or more than 3percent per day which to us is very high, and another good thing is that it return more than 10percent of our deposit so even if the program turn scam we will not be losing huge.
  17. Invest in the forex market is a risk that even the company involves can't control how the money will run nor the total outcome of the investment. But i think if expert traders trade with our funds then their is a chance that we will earn ceterall.
  18. We can invest any amount in this program, but what i don't like about them is that the daily interest is not worth the investment because it could take forever to reach break even.
  19. The first plan gives 19percent after 5days, this hyip comes out with it's own concept and though the minimum is high, i feel it can pay for some few round before it will go down the dish.
  20. This program plans are too long and confusing to me, i never like doing hourly plan and this one have them in bulk. The only plan i can calculate the profit is the last one which gives 10percent after 1day. And the minimum to invest got it is very affordable to all.
  21. It will only take 25days to break even and the rest half days will be pure profit. But i feel like the minimum to invest in this program is somehow high. And only the first plan can one invest in, the other are out of point
  22. Getting 3percent just after 1hours is not alright. This is some kind of investment i always do well to avoid. It will be a gambling thing to invest in such programs.
  23. You know i can't say if this is a joke or a ponzi play. The admin is not investing this money into any sort of business what he is doing is use the deposit fund to pay. Am out.
  24. I like the name of this hyip- yourbank. But i will prefer to have my own bank in a different program than to have it inside hyip. You said this program has been online for more than 21days? I don't believe that this sort of program stay so long online.
  25. Only the first plan is affordable to investors, and the return is very okay. Just like luci i prefer the daily return plan to the after maturity. Who knows if they will stay until your plan mature? Lol
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