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Posts posted by vainskie07

  1. i am slowly working my way to reach $5 in here. i have about $3.8 in my balance. man,it sure does hard clicking alone and trying to reach that. i think i need at least a whole month to get my next payment. oh well,i hope its still worth it. :)

  2. another new site that's somehow turned scam now. well i have dropped this one even before the fall down of this ptc. i got annoyed with the bugs and errors i always get when i try to click ads and disappointed when they increased the minimum to $3 when i joined this one mainly because they are giving out low minimum payouts. too bad for those who invested in here.

  3. i have dropped this one days ago after they have disabled AP payments. paypal doesn't work for me so i dont see any more reasons to continue clicking here. maybe when they resume paying with AP again that i can go back actively here.

  4. the site is not accessible for what,3 days now? thats a shame when the site looked real good in the beginning. i also thought that if they are really serious about running a PTC,or they are having troubles with the site,they should have at least give notifications to members who are hopeful that this will still continue.

  5. i am going to stop renting for now and cash out for my second payment. well i am thinking of letting some of my RR's expire first and then rent another batch.i dont know. i just have this feeling that i need to break even first before spending another dime here.

  6. oh my gosh,30 days of processing payments is real long when for PTC's i prefer those who pay instantly. thats rubbish. as a free member,you would click for months to reach payment and for payments,you would wait for. this makes it more hard to earn a decent amount in here. they have increased the minimum to $5 right? well i am just glad i left this one already.

  7. i dont wanna complain but i just rented some RR's last week and they are not doing good.renting referrals here used to be so hot and now,i just dont know what to do with it.for now i just hope to reach $7 soon,request my payment and just leave this site. :(

  8. this looks just like ESF who has a new admin and they both have to carry paying the old pending requests. i think thats not very easy for the new owners but im glad that they are doing their best. i have not signed up here yet but maybe i will when every thing is running smoothly here again. :)

  9. my 10th pending payment is once again verified so im expecting to be paid any moment now. the staff are doing a great job running this forum and Admin pays members fast. the very reason why i love posting in here. sometimes i even want to stop myself and give other forums a chance to post in there too! :P love this site to bits. :)

  10. between EFT and DMT,i decided to be more active posting here in DMT more. the rates are better although both Admins are honest. i can't completely delete this to my list of PTP's even though i have less time posting in here. even in a short period of time,i've come to like this forum already. :)

  11. my last pending payment got paid yesterday so i am quite happy about it and resume posting today. i just requested another payout and i hope they go back to paying members in 5 days. or better if they will pay earlier than that. i hope the new admin would think of increasing rates or lessen the waiting time for payments. but its still okay if they wont change that as long as they keep paying members. i think thats more important above else.

  12. You have received a payment to your account :


    Date: 3/7/2011 5:20 PM

    Batch: 56720429

    From Account: U0990758 (Digital Money Forum)

    Amount: $1.80

    Memo: Payout from DMT, Please post proof in different forum!!


    Thank you.



    Thanks Admin! :) :)

  13. i tried playing head or tail earlier but i was not so lucky. after consecutively lost six times betting for head,i stopped.


    anyway,heres some of my commissions for today.


    You have received a payment to your account:


    Date: 2011-07-03 15:48:30

    Batch: 56713240

    From Account: U9810232

    Amount: $0.25

    Memo: Pay to 'vainskie07'


    Thank you.

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