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Everything posted by yozyozyoz

  1. Well this is a great site to earn and the admin is preety cool, i send a support ticket for some details and he don't hesitate to give me more about what i ask and he answer real quick in my case (he was online and he is every day). the secret on violetbux is referrals because you earn from all referral clicks. if you are standard, except for 2 sec adds. he offer free premium and 5 extended plus 2 standard adds fixed. Yes the site is in Euro, he said he is in europe and he thinks that earning euro will be more attractive for ppls to come because is higher that dollar and he said he has advertise prices reduced to bne like in dollars but i've seen they have awesome prices lower that alot of sites (after exchange euros in dollars). I dont think that having no max adds to click is a problem. why to buy visitors and the site limit his members to click your ad? only if they have to pay to much because there are to many adds. even then, 1000 visitors for 4.5 dollars and for 1000 members sent they pay 4 dollars(dunno exactly), that means they take proffit and finish the package faster. why to keep the ads because you limit members. i see no big reasons to do that! I chat with admin and he gives me more detailed statistics about click rates: Your clicks _______2 sec__6 Sec___10 Sec__15 Sec__20 Sec__30 Sec Std____.0004__0.0004__0.0008__0.0016__0.0024__0.00 4 Red____.0005__0.0005__0.0009__0.0018__0.0027__0.00 45 Orange_.0005__0.0005__0.001___0.002___0.003___0.00 5 Yellow _.0006__0.0006__0.0011__0.0022__0.0033__0.0055 Green__.0006__0.0006__0.0012__0.0024__0.0036__0.00 6 Blue___.0007__0.0007__0.0013__0.0026__0.0039___0.0 065 Indigo__.0007__0.0007__0.0014__0.0028__0.0042__0.0 07 Violet .0008 0.0008 0.0015 0.003 0.0045 0.0075 Referral clicks _______2 Sec___6 Sec___10 Sec__15 Sec__20 Sec__30 Sec Std____0_______0.0001__0.0001__0.0002__0.0003__0.0 005 Red____0.0001__0.0001__0.0002__0.0004__0.0006__0.0 01 Promo__0.0005__0.0005__0.0009__0.0018__0.0027__0.0 045___They have Promo for Red members Orange_0.0001__0.0002__0.0003__0.0006__0.0009__0.0 015 Yellow__0.0001__0.0002__0.0004__0.0008__0.0012__0. 002 Green__0.0001__0.0003__0.0005__0.001___0.0015__0.0 025 Blue____0.0002__0.0003__0.0006__0.0012__0.0018__0. 003 Indigo__0.0002__0.0004__0.0007__0.0014__0.0021__0. 0035 Violet__0.0002__0.0004__0.0008__0.0016__0.0024__0. 004 until now 2 players have win extra money just for sign in (member 33 and 100) and he say more will come. i really hope this site will go big because he say he will raise the rates after investers will come. Register here: http://www.violetbux.com/?ref=x&ct=post
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