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Everything posted by rage35

  1. Well. If you talk about earnings in this forum. We can still earn but in minimal amount only. The fact that the rates are quite small and every member wanted high rates so I think that if there will be active members in here then they only here to support the forum and not really thinking of earnings.
  2. Yeah. I like the way that admin will actually post updates regarding when will the payments be processed so that members would know when it will be processed so that they can reach their target and might be able to join the batch of payments.
  3. Well. Payment processing time is not a common issue in the forum or in any other forum. It's just fine because admin also has their own offline business and we are just here to earn from their forum so all we need to do if we wanted to get paid is to post and reach payout and wait for our payment to be processed.
  4. I might going to give this a try. I have already registered in the cycler. You need to accept other payment processors such as payza so that everyone can participate in the program because not all have LR account so it is important to add at least payza into your program.
  5. I see. So the notification emails is haven't yet arrive in your mailbox? If you received the notification mail coming from JBP, that only means that your position/s purchased were already placed. I am still waiting for my funds again to reach $10 so I can compound and hope by the end of this month I will reach at least $3 per day in here.
  6. $15 is very attainable in the forum because there are good activities in DMT so it would help you a lot to reach your goal. Seems that everyone got paid already right? So activities will become more livelier than the past few days.
  7. I decided to make a round of posts again in this forum about 10 posts will do. I have read from the post of admin in the chatbox that payment will be processed tomorrow I think? Well. Good for those people who already requested payment including me.
  8. Yeah. But I think it that issue was already resolved. I haven't check my earnings yet but I am sure that I can purchase another tripler position by the end of the weeks since my balance will reach $10 again.
  9. I might try to invest in here only $2 and see if things will be doing good in here as I can see monitors telling that the program is paying so I will give it a try since investment minimum is not that high. Good for small investors like me.
  10. I agree. It is really important that one HYIP should add an HYIP monitor to help people who wanted to invest in here for them to know if it is paying or not. It is important because that will help attract investors to invest on the program. I like the plans but still I wanted to see some proofs of payments. When I visit the site I can't access it.
  11. I am not really interested in hourly plans such as this one because it is not really a stable one based on the plans, the returns as well is quite high. Though the minimum investment is only $1 but still I will not risk to invest in this program.
  12. Pinay, yes there's no delays in the tripler placing of position in here. What I mean is that a days back that the tripler placement has encountered some delays but now everything is doing fine. They also activated their traffic exchange which will also help the program earn additional income from advertisers.
  13. Yeah. After I am done posting in other forums, I will give some time to posts at least a few in here just to maintain my activity that was inactive for a couple of weeks already. I hope members activity in here will going to increase.
  14. You have a point there. I will also going to resume my activity in here but this time, I will focus in creating discussions. I will think of different topics first and write it on scratch before I will post in here to save time. I wanted to get paid in the site since I accumulated $6 already in here.
  15. It's been long that I wasn't able to make a post in the forum, though I do have a pending payout that was already approved and all I need to do is to wait for it to be processed. As of now, I am busy posting in other forums and maybe next week I will be back posting in EP again.
  16. Yeah. I have observed that there are a lot of activities by now and maybe because payments were already processed again. I think that the forum pays much faster now because I always seen the payment section always updated.
  17. You are posting a new forum but what is the posting rate in this forum? as well as the minimum amount to request? I've looked into the forum and it seems that there are a few sections only in here. If the posting rate is quite acceptable then I might try posting in here. What is the payment processor the forum accepts?
  18. Yes. MTW is a sister forum of DMT and same admin operating this forum as well. I already requested a payout in here and will just wait for it to be processed. I will still continue my postings in here to reach another payout and hopefully a lot of members will be active in the forum so that it would be easy to hit our target.
  19. Yeah. My payment also was approved with full amount. I am glad that I didn't received any deductions from my request and that is kinda motivating in my part to provide more quality posts same as I am doing in the past. Hope to see a lot of activities here today for me to reach another payout request.
  20. Nope. there is a delay in the Tripler placing because unlike before that after a few minutes, we can view our positions in the tripler that was purchased. Lately, when we buy positions, tripler positions may seems to have a delay and we can view it after a couple of hours or a day before we could see the tripler poisition/s. The JSS position placing is indeed having delay also. Maybe the delays in placing Tripler positions because a lot are buying positions all at once so the system might have a slow down.
  21. If you wanted to transfer that 0.95$ to your tripler account. You must first transfer your JSS Tripler balance to main JSS and then transfer it again from JSS main to Tripler so that you can be able to tranfer it since it is now greater than $1 right?
  22. Yeah. I've seen that they offer credit cards for investment and that is good. Minimum payout is only $10 and that is very reachable. Though I wanted to invest in here but I don't have enough funds yet. Maybe next week, I will have funds to start with in the program.
  23. I agree. They don't have this kind of things simply because LR is not a payment processor but an ecurrency. If they will be called a payment processor then they should have add and withdraw feature which most payment processors such as PZ and PP has these features because they are payment processors who process payments.
  24. I agree. Payza is a good alternative for paypal because mostly the features in payza is just the same as in Paypal. Though paypal is widely used for online shopping purposes, but payza is here and good for investments. My friend wanted to add funds in payza but really he is not quite familiar in adding funds using his credit. I haven't seen that feature in payza because I only seen bank wire and transfer, as well as check & money order.
  25. Yeah. Though it will take some time to increase our positions in here, but at least we are earning on a daily basis in here without doing anything. I wonder if the purchasing of position in here is doing good now? I mean the placing of purchased positions? is there a delay? or it is already resolved?
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