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Everything posted by Epayment

  1. This site is like an hungry lion lying in the woods waiting for someone to devour. Don't even think of investing a cent in their scheming to scam investment plans.
  2. With all this testimonies coming from investors, I hope razorpay can live up the reputation. It's bee compared ti royalty7 I hope it will keep paying and be regarded as one of the best.
  3. The ROI is hig no doubt about that; and again it's a good thing to know that some monitors have already invested in this programme. But it would have been pleasant to know that if the monitors are already getting paid and if other investors are getting paid too
  4. Down or not; dead or alive; hourly inveatment is a toatal loss of money to my view. I won't advise anybody to even check out the investment, not to talk about depositing.
  5. Trickish investment plan, who's going to risk money into this kind of programme. The minimmum deposit is too high and the investment days doesn't give space testing the site because you will have to wait for like 65days to know what's up.
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