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Everything posted by glucoseguy

  1. Someone posted in mTV that the admin has closed the thread on TCC in EP and that is a very bad sign, maybe the admin wants to shut down the forum or he's probably tired of pressure from posters that require him to introduce new contests.
  2. I quite agree with you there. With more Mods, payment processing will take a shorter time because the traffic here keeps increasing at a daily basis. Maybe the Admin intentionally wants the queue to keep growing to a certain length before approving and clearing payments.
  3. ⌣»̶·̵̭̌·̵̭̌✽̤̈̊Ŧђɑ̤̥̈̊п̥̥̲̣̣̣kƨ̣̣̣̇̇̇̇✽̤̈̊·̵̭̌·̵̭̌«̶⌣ a lot Admin. I have seen your reply to my post in other PTP forums as well as this one. I now understand very well your explanation. I think I have made 9posts in JKKE today and I hope to make more later in the day depending on how my offline and online activities turn out to be.
  4. I don't think I've posted in LOT today but I intend doing so later in the day and accumulate as much points as possible. I intend making at least 25posts today by focusing on the Hyip and PTP sections. My target is to reach payout in LOT on Sunday.
  5. Since the program offers Roi range of 150%-300% and all of them are within the same duration, this program won't complete a cycle although it may pay for some time probably till when investors get profit.
  6. Yes there's a high chance that the program won't complete a term but it may for some days. I visited the site and the language was in Russian and there's an option to change it to English so I clicked on that option and the language was translated to English. The site is still in its pre-launched state and is likely to be launched tomorrow but registration is open according to the information I saw in the site. The program has no form of security. I will simply conclude that its not safe to invest here.
  7. A return of 7% monthly, though it is very sustainable, offers a very low profit even if principal is returned, and since this is the season when Hyips turn scam faster, it won't be advisable to risk our investments for such a small profits. To be on the safe side, let's apply a skip.
  8. Other plans here are okay but the Plan that will destroy the tendency of this program to stay long is the 5day plan because it is offering a Return of 200% which means that it is offering to double our investments after just a short duration of 5days which won't be achievable. We also have to consider the fact that the minimum deposit in this plan is very high. Even if the admin manages to pay investors in the 5-day plan, he won't pay for more than 5days and this program may collapse with investors in other plans being at a loss since they have longer durations.
  9. The program is not secure and this could be a bad sign as the program may be prone to attacks. Well, its good to see that it has only one plan because programs that have only one plan tend to last longer than those with multiple plans. The Total Return here is 500% after 100days since the program is offering 5% daily. With such return, this program will not complete a term but it has a tendency to pay until investors gain profit.
  10. The only plan here that can be achievable is the 1st plan because the total return here is 165%. The next two plans have Total returns of 360% and 630% respectively which are returns that can't be achievable. The program may manage to pay in these plans but it won't complete a term in them. It will be best to go for the 1st plan if any investor intends investing here. I checked out the site and discovered that it is secure which is a good sign and another good news here is that Goldpoll is viewing it and has a Paying Status : http://www.goldpoll.net/details/20670/ . Also, the site has good ratings on GoldPoll.
  11. With the Average Roi offered here, the program can pay in all the plans but I'm not sure if it will last more than 30days because the last plan which has a 30-day duration has a sub-plan that offers a total Roi of 14% X 30days = 420% which is a very high return. A skip to me is the best to be applied in this program.
  12. The Range of the Total Roi in this program is 150% to 200% after 10days. The Last Plan will not be achievable, that is, it is likely Not to complete a term although it may pay for some time maybe till investors hit profit. But there's something scary about this program; the minimum deposit; $100 is quite high, although large scale investors shoulD be able to afford it.
  13. The total Roi in this program falls within a range of 180% to 216% after 24hours(1day) and I'm not sure if it will be able to complete a term though there is a high chance that the program will pay till investors hit profit. But its always good to be careful when dealing with hourly programs because of their high tendency to turn scam but that investors can still make profits from them. I think teamdxer is one of those hourly programs that will pay till investors gain profit.
  14. The program is offering a very sustainable Roi except for the last plan which is quite high but in that plan, the program should pay until investors gain good profits. But there's something that won't allow me to invest here; returning of principal: I don't think the program will do it because most programs that claim to return principal end up not doing so, plus we are entering Christmas period and this is the time when Hyips turn scam easily.
  15. I've finally accepted my fate to quit EP until I notice an improvement in being able to submit a post. Also, the rates are will be reduced. But sincerely, if I'm able to post well in EP, I don't mind if the rates will be reduced because I believe that the least it will be reduced to is 2cents which is still a good earning value.
  16. Yep, that's right. I wasn't chanced to open an account in ML today but I may do it next week when I'm chanced. It will be nice just participating in the discussions whenever I'm tired of posting in normal PTP forums because the discussions there can help relax our nerves.
  17. @hadg33 That's right, I was able to access the forum some time ago when my Ucweb was working fine and it opened fine, unlike when I used Operamini. Well, even though this PTP site is doing well with good activity, I may have to forget about it for now until I'm able to access it.
  18. DMT is having a great activity which I'm really enjoying but it seems that its the same posters that post here everyday.lol. Well, what matters most is that the posters here are good posters that are experienced and are very active as they post at a daily basis. I should be able to make a good number of posts today but I'm not sure if I will make my daily target because I had been occupied with some offline activities.
  19. Sadly enough, I will forget about DMT for now and focus on other forums because I'm having problems opening the site at my end. I've tried clearing my cookies and cache, but all to no avail. My other browser, Ucweb is having some issues at the moment.
  20. I think the best plan here is the plan that offers a return of 4.5%hourly for 24hours because the total return after 24hours(1day) is 108% which is a low Roi even though it would be achieved within a very short while but other plans will surely disrupt this one thereby affecting the entire program. A skip is the best strategy to use in this Hyip.
  21. The program although it is an hourly one may manage to pay up till a day but it will be safe to skip this program especially due to the fact that the minimum spend of $10 is a bit high to risk in a hourly program. If the minimum spend was from $2 and below, then it may be okay to use it as a test spend.
  22. The average Roi here is high but its possible to make some profits by going for the daily plan and applying the hit and run or perhaps re-investing only once there because if we re-invest more than once in the daily plan, it means that the program will be up to 3days by then and since the Roi in the 3days plan is double our investment, there is a high chance that the program may stop paying on the 3rd day.
  23. The Returns offered here are high but the program may pay for some time, probably until investors make profit. One discouraging thing about this program is the fact that it supports only Perfect Money as a payment processor. This may reduce the number of investors that may want to invest here since not much people use PM. If LR was added, the program will have more investors.
  24. This program is a short term one and I think that the Roi offered perfectly fits the duration of this program. It may pay for some cycles in some plans although it may be difficult to go for more than a cycle in the last plan which has a duration of 7days. It also has a good security and nice script which are good signs.
  25. I'm not sure that adding countries to their list is not that easy. I think they don't intend adding more countries to their list even though I wish they could add more countries like mine. Well, whatever their reason for doing this, its best known to them.
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