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Posts posted by dierdre

  1. The ads range from 1 to 5 ads daily, although sometimes there are none. Anyway, here's my 3rd payment from BGPaymail, it's a random payout with bonus:


    Date: April 29, 2011 7:03:55 AM

    Amount Sent: $3.00 USD

    Sender Name: -

    Reference Number: 7CA0E-691B1-290D1

    Message: Your BGPM Payout, thank you :)

  2. @ echofrommadiun, it's ok, i can now log in again, the glitch has been fixed. By the way, i think the reason why members reply fast to each other in MTV is because whenever we reply to a thread, we instantly get subscribed to it and get instant notifications, so that's why members reply to each other so quickly.

  3. Considering the long lines of pending payments and no word at all from the admin, it won't be long before the site turns into an official scam site and will close. When ESF was unable to pay before, they notified us why, so the admin should at least have the decency to do that. Even J. Anderson, the former admin of hyrextalk send emails to their members regarding the payment delay that time. The new admin of ESF should at least do that so the members know where they stand.

  4. I found there was an error yesterday19th).

    5 positions have cycled twice.

    I sent a support ticket about this error, but now sure when it'll get fixed or how it'll be fixed.

    It seems there were many members with this extra cycling problem.


    I didn't experience that, but the admin was already notified of this error by the other members. But she seems to do nothing about it. I noticed that the admin is quite unresponsive when there is technical problems with member accounts, i have a problem with mine for more than a month now, but until now it's still not fixed.

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