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  1. I am not admin Start 20th November Plans «Invest Start» 1.5% daily profit Min/Max - $5/$100 Investment term - 20 business days «Invest Light» 1.7% daily profit Min/Max - $50/$1000 Investment term - 30 business days «Invest Normal» 2% daily profit Min/Max - $100/$5000 Investment term - 40 business days «Invest Maximum» 2.2% daily profit Min/Max - $1000/$50000 Investment term - 50 business days Bonus program Deposit «Invest Start» + 0.1% It is added to the interest rate Deposit «Invest Start» after 20 business days. The interest rate on this deposit will be 1.6%. Deposit «Invest Light» + 0.15% It is added to the interest rate Deposit «Invest Light» after 30 business days. The interest rate on this deposit will be 1.85%. Deposit «Invest Normal» + 0.2% It is added to the interest rate Deposit «Invest Normal» after 40 business days. The interest rate on this deposit will be 2,2%. Deposit «Invest Maximum» + 0.25% It is added to the interest rate Deposit «Invest Maximum» after 50 business days. The interest rate on this deposit will be 2,45%. Accept: Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money, AlertPay, SolidTrustPay SSL - Comodo, DDOS - Dragonara.net LINK: http://online-invest.biz
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