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Posts posted by anjali

  1. Latest news from the program regarding the instant payment system as on 23rd April, that is five days ago, and it's paying for twelve days !


    Instant Withdraw AvailableAfter the secure test for about 1 week,we finally decide to enable the instant withdraw systerm.All withdraws from now on will be proccessed instantly without any delay.If your withdraw is not instant caused by any reason,it will be proccessed in 1-12 hours.Thanks.Apr 23, 2012 - 10:04:41 AM
  2. Though the script of this program is not that attractive, this long term project has been active for more than ten days now, and continues to pay that we can have latest payment proofs of today showing it's current up to date status, instant payment feature is there but with AP it is not possible to get daily payments for small investors.

  3. Fibo Forex looks like a professional hyip that can be reliable, this program is just three weeks old as of now, and it's no wonder to have them paying status, they also use Bank Wire option to allow us venture with them, but the only disadvantage is that the ROI offered in their plan is very low and slow profit can be obtained.

  4. All reliable monitors have active status given for this program for 165 days now, I have noticed that this long term program has also published their office address on their site, of UK, more than eight cycles with their twenty days plan have been successfully done so far, and continues to stay active.

  5. Plex Capital has recently achieved the hundred days online mile stone successfully, now this one has been 107 days old, good to see this long term program has been active for this longer, this program can be tried for investments at this stage as well, since they have plans with life term too, it can become a long life program, hopefully.

  6. Dedicated server, and domain registered for four years for this program, good to see this one paying for more than three weeks by now, that is twenty four days to be exact, live chat feature and well designed program script look very professional in here, I think the second round with the 15 days plan is coming to an end successfully.

  7. This program has been twenty five days old by today and has paying status everywhere, I remember this program has also been listed over MNO monitor as well, in their premium listing of hyips, well, good to see this one has been paying so far and enough popular to sustain long enough with lower as well as reasonable ROI.

  8. Good to see this short term program is new and just two days old and has been paying so far, there is paying status everywhere for this program, with latest payment proofs of today available around, fifteen monitors that we can rely for the status of this program have been given active status for this program as of now.

  9. Duo Money is spending a lot of money for advertising on forums as well as monitors, which makes this program quite popular recently, but there is one complaint I heard from members around that the program only accepts LR, but with that hourly plan, the most of the profit might go for LR fees during transactions.

  10. One thing is sure that hyip is unpredictable, this current active bonus offer from this program, that is 8% on every deposit with minimum of $100, is either a good sign that the program might be trying to gain huge support of large investors among hyip participants, or that they can scam soon with a lot of amount collected, depends on the admin's planning.

  11. ENR G was not loading in some parts of the world, there has been complaints for last few days regarding the site accessibility, looks like their new hosting provider Black Lotus could not completely fix the ;loading issues of the site, but it is loading fine from my end at this moment, hopefully there won't be much issue with this again.

  12. I think we can say this one is the senior most auto surf program that has been paying for a long time, for almost this one is one of the top reliable auto surf programs in the present days, though I could not understand if there is any investment plan offered, but it seems not, it is just for surf credits that we get paid I think so.

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