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Posts posted by anjali

  1. Invest In Best offers minutes plans, yet there is no withdrawals in paid out section, it is mentioned that instant withdrawals available on their home page, but FAQ section has different method stated as manual with 24 business hours maximum time, having BitCoin option is additional feature in this risky minutes program.

  2. Weltex has DDOS protection from DDOS Guard, minimum set at $20 is bit high to afford in this short term program, yet there is no monitor listing this project, manual withdrawal system available with 12 hours maximum time period, sometimes it can also take 48 hours to process payments as mentioned in their FAQ.

  3. ForeeXTa has been online and active for four days so far, it is good to know that this short term program has been paying within few minutes after request, due to positive feedback on forums from it's experienced investors, many new investors participate or planning to invest, hopefully this one will keep paying for few more days.

  4. Hosting is on a dedicated server, this long term program, Punk Invest has a unique design of the program, on their program, it is mentioned that they have instant payments in offer, we first required to register for the further proceedings to the access of other pages in their program, even to use the contact form for support, we must log in our account.

  5. A full list of regional representatives is available on their program, currently they have three representatives from Russia, Portugal and Ukraine, if anyone is interested in the job of regional representative, Ecol Business Group has offer, we can send resume, and the application form and details can be found on their website.

  6. Hosting is on a dedicated server, this Russian program, Hyip Aggregator has professional look, video representation of the program is available on their home page, exchange of currency is available in here, we can request withdrawal to other e-currency than what we used to invest, which is a function rarely found in hyip programs.

  7. In their second news letter Inflex Shares announced regarding the vacancy of customer service in their program also requested investors to support them on forums !



    Newsletter 02 – Making Strides

    We’ve successfully gone through a week of trading and we are quite pleased with our trading performance. BitCoins started off on the weak side, and managed to rally and come back with a strong finish for the week. We saw an opportunity to make a nice solid profit last week as BitCoins were down to almost $400+ a piece, so we raked in as many as we could muster and sold them at a profit when they reached about mid-$700. We made 75% on that trade, and look forward to capitalizing on more profitable trades here on out.
    That said, this week’s bonus has been kept at a rational, but still lucrative, 1.5% to keep ourselves sustainable and liquid so that we can engage in more trades this week.
    Moving forward, I’d like to address a few concerns our members had, namely plans and payment options.
    Firstly, we’ve received numerous emails from members who’d like to know what are our plans for the future, and whether are any immediate strategic concerns to add new payment processors. I’d like to say that our current most important objective is to keep our company’s growth steady and sustainable. Currently we’re looking at around a member base of 510 as of this writing, and we’ve been growing very steadily since the start. While some might argue that the growth is a little too slow for their liking, but I’d like to take the time to explain that slow AND planned growth is the essence of success because we can control things easily and scale as we need later on. Therefore, we plan to keep our marketing efforts at a controlled pace, and over the next few weeks, expect to see more of our presence on major social media sites and popular blogs.
    Secondly, with regards to payment processors, we are quite comfortable with what we are offering at the moment, although having more payment processors certainly does appeal to us because it will open up various options for our investors. With that said, there are certain implementation costs that need to be bore and strategic concerns that we need to address before we make that decision. Of course, as we get more requests, we will consider expediting the process and make it happen as soon as possible. I’d like to highlight that we are using a custom script called Viten and the developer has been working day and night to integrate all the features that we require. He added that adding a new payment processor shouldn’t be much of an issue at the moment.
    Another possibility that we are looking at right now is integrating live chat. As of this writing, I am trying actively to recruit professional and customer-oriented support staff to assist with the task. At InflexShares, we understand how important customer service is. And that is reflected directly through the people we hire. If you or anyone you know would like to apply for the position, please send your resume to business@inflexshares.com and we can talk further. The requirements are: 1) a resume in English 2) your hourly rate. After we narrow down the applicants, we will start to conduct interviews, and possibly get everything settled before the end of the month.
    Nevertheless, I’m very proud of the team and I think we’re moving in the right direction. I’m very excited for our group and have a good weekend everyone!
    At InflexShares, we think of everyone as part of a huge InflexShares family. We believe that you, our valued investors, have made a wise decision to participate in this adventure, and we would like to honor your trust and faith in us by doing our best to provide the best service and value for your money. Therefore, if you think we have done a good (or bad, which we hope not) job, please do let us know! Send us an email or contact us, as always, our support staff will be available on most major forums, and you can find us on:
    If you think that we have done a great job, spread the word to your friends and family as well! We offer lucrative referral commissions and we provided very attractive banners to fit your marketing strategies!
    Thank you, CEO InflexShares.
  8. Ad Bitrage has been one month online, and customers are requested to contact their support regarding the selling of advertising space, here is the news !



    One Month Online

    Today is an exciting day, as it marks the first full month that AdBitrage has been online. Since our initial soft launch prior to Christmas, our portfolio of advertising assets has grown substantially, along with the number of investments in our system. In fact, our asset allocation fund has been growing so quickly that we’re now accepting suggestions from our users, in regards to potential advertising space to purchase.
    If you own a website, blog, popular Facebook page, or other internet advertising property, and would like to sell advertising space, please contact our support team. We’re always looking to expand our asset portfolio, and if we can help our investors in the process, that’s even better!
    At any rate, a big thank you to our early investors as we begin this exciting journey to limitless internet wealth!


  9. Imbue Capital announces the review of their program on MNO, it's alexa rank, also requests investors to support them on forums as well as monitors !




    Hello dear investors!
    We are pleased to announce that we have reached the world level now. Please check our Alex here http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/imbue-capital.com. On behalf of our team I express you great thanks. We work for you.
    Some have asked me where they can get acquainted the independent reviews of ImbueCapital. Just want you to note that we do not use paid posters and we have no influence for the results of surveys.
    Reviews can be found here:
    I have just one plea for you! Please vote for us on the monitors and write about payments on the forums. It has the positive effect on the development of the project !
    Yours Administration
  10. Pegas Invest Fund is a Russian program, there is a new function of auto renewal available in this program, through which if any investor is not sble to create a new application on the deposit at the expiry of the term of the previous active deposit, auto renewal feature allows to automatically do the process of investing instead of closing the deposit. 

  11. This Russian program, Forex7 is also available in English version of the website, good to know that this long term has been active for around three months so far, the design is professional, live chat support is also in offer, from the latest proofs on forums, of 18th January, it is evident that the program is active but need to be promoted on forums, as just a couple of monitors listing it so far.

    • Upvote 1
  12. Investors or referrers are requested to make sure to update their referral links, or report if any errors occur with their new script and here is the news update on the same !




    New Design and Script are here 2014-12-01

    The new design and script are live if you find any errors, don't forget to report them. We appreciate your help. For webmasters, make sure you update your referral link.

  13. Infinite Money Maker has been paying for six days now, which is good to know about this active short term program, the withdrawal system is manual but from the latest reports on forums, fast processing of withdrawals so far from this attractive designed short term project, but there is no ratings page on their website for now.

  14. Currently the website is inaccessible which redirects to an error page of 508 Resource Limit is Reached, may be this technical issue will be fixed soon, from the plans described above, Spirit Inv is a mid term program with attractive mid term plans which have affordable minimum set at $5, status for now is waiting for the website to get back to normal.

  15. Hosting is on a dedicated server with DDOS protection from KODDOS, World Of Elite is a short term program with an hourly plan included to their usual short term plans, promotion of this short term is better with five RCB monitors listing this program, withdrawals will be processed within 1 - 24 hours maximum time frame, to both PM & EP.

  16. The design of this short term is not unique, was used before, Ara Fund, this new short term program that was launched a couple of hours ago has been on waiting status for now, there is a few non RCB monitors listing this program, as per their FAQ, withdrawals will be processed manually within twelve business hours, referral commission is set at low as 2%.

  17. Life time is 47 days, SClass Inv have had two websites, the old one and currently a better designed site active, it's big banners have been advertised on few monitors like HyipScope etc, it attracted many potential investors from followers of MNO, and it's definitely great achievement to sustain this longer.

  18. Remi Trade continues with the paying status for around 50 days now, the last payout was on 19th January, that is of today, which is good thing to know that there is no issue with the payments here, even if the withdrawals ever go pending, it will be processed out manually as soon as possible.

  19. Well the site is back and i really like to see that the minimum investment reduced by admin to 0.5$ now but bad thing is that 3 monitors have changed its status to Problem which is really a serious thing . I think now its better to stay away from it.



    The problem status is not for this new program, it was for the old project with the same domain, many short term programs use old domains for their new programs, now that the site is back, once the payments started to be released, the status gets back to paying, as it hasn't yet crossed 24 hours of launch.

  20. Como Credit has attractive advertising banners and it's banners can be seen on AllMonitors monitor, good to know that the admin is taking steps in effective advertising of the program, due to successful mid term plans and attractive advertising efforts, it will gain potential investors for sure.

  21. There is no update in the waiting status of this short term, Best Intrest on monitors, Best Intrest is also available on networking sites like FaceBook and Twitter which can be followed for the latest updates of the program, FAQ link redirected to home page, so there is no FAQ page constructed in here.

  22. Since the minimum is set at $1, it is going to attract many small investors to the program, at the same time, ForeeXTa also attracts large deposits as the starting profit is set at 2%, which is low, without a decent amount invested, we can't get attractive profit, so many investors as it is just the beginning invested even $100 in this short term.

  23. A couple of transactions of little amounts have been recorded on their paid out page, which must be referral commissions, yet there is not one day old, few hours to go to mature the early deposits into one day plan, then only we can consider the status of the program active after few withdrawals of investors processed.

  24. It is almost the first program on top ranked most popular projects currently in the hyip industry, Inside Forex Group, that has been active for around three months so far, life time 89 days, possibly another three months will be easily crossed as the starting ROI of 1% is quite sustainable plan.

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