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Serious-Investors - serious-investors.com

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I am not the Admin.


The admin says:


1. Serious Investor is here today because of the need to protect teeming visitors who are interested in High Yield Investment Programme (HYIP) but do not know where to start


2. I heard ugly stories of people losing thousands of dollars and other currencies on websites that promise to triple their invested liberty reserve /funds within 24hours or even within 12 hours! How gullible our people are?. How would an investment company triple your funds within such a period of time? What are they investing in that would yield such interest that will warrant them paying you 3 times of what you invested within that time frame?

Stop and think and become wiser!


3. Serious Investor will last has long as possible, there are lot of investments which so many people don't know and how to go about them, but at my investment site, you will be given the opportunity to invest your hard earn money into the website and the money will be use to investment in FOREX and you will be more guarantee that you will be paid.


Investment Plans:


1.00% Daily For 10 Days.

$100 - $500



2.00% Daily For 10 Days.

$501 - $1000



3.00% Daily For 10 Days.

$1001 - $10,000



Accepted Currency: LR


Link: https://www.serious-investors.com/

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Oh no!!


what a funny fool site is It. ............... minimum base amount is $100 ........... and the RoI is only 1% ......... this is really very doubtful site.


I think this will turns into SCAM or must close in very future after making big cheat with us.



Warning ..............

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  • 2 months later...

with https, I have got 'secure connection failed' message from browser,

thus I tried without https, and it loaded fine, and there is no ssl, for now,

the program has been paying for around three months so far.

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