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Easycashearning - easycashearning.com

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I am not the Admin.


Started : May 22, 2011


The Admin says:


Our company easycashearning.com offers you a profitable investment for your money. We have the best experts in trading stocks and exchange rates. Every day we monitor the market. Making the buying and selling. Obtain an excellent profit. What do we offer? You must make a deposit for a specified period under a certain percentage (all terms are on the website). Here you can watch on a daily basis as it increases your deposit, depending on which package you choose. You'll be pleasantly surprised at how our agents will work for you. Since we have already 3 years in the market, then you cannot doubt our abilities. After a certain period of time you will get a huge profit. Investing money today, you will immediately see that time works for you. Why put off until tomorrow what you can do today


Investment Plans:


TEST Plan (1% Minutely For 101 minutes - Instant Withdraw)

Plan Spent Amount ($) Minutely Profit (%)

TEST $10 - $1,000 1.00



Daily Plan (120% After 1 Day - Instant Withdraw)

Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

Daily 1 $5 - $200 112.00

Daily 2 $201 - $1,000 115.00

Daily 3 $1,001 - $5,000 117.00

Daily 4 $5,001 and more 120.00



Normal Plan (65% Daily For 2 Days - Instant Withdraw)

Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)

2 Days 1 $5 - $200 58.00

2 Days 2 $201 - $1,000 60.00

2 Days 3 $1,001 - $5,000 62.00

2 Days 4 $5,001 and more 65.00



Normal Plan (145% After 2 Days - Instant Withdraw)

Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

Normal 1 $5 - $200 125.00

Normal 2 $201 - $1,000 132.00

Normal 3 $1,001 - $5,000 136.00

Normal 4 $5,001 and more 145.00



Premium Plan (260% After 7 Days - Instant Withdraw)

Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

Premium 1 $5 - $200 200.00

Premium 2 $201 - $1,000 215.00

Premium 3 $1,001 - $5,000 235.00

Premium 4 $5,001 and more 260.00


Accepted Currencies: LR, PM


Link: http://easycashearning.com/

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101 minutes are less than two hours and so one can make 1% profit every 101 minutes that can yield to 14+% return in whole day that too without compounding and with applying compounding it can be even more. Whatever plans this hyip introduced promise very high and unrealistic returns which does not look possible to sustain even in short term. So I would not get into this program.

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  • 2 months later...

this program is not accessible right now, I think this one have had sustainable ROI of 1% daily,

but unfortunately closed, I think, that is why the site is unavailable,

thread moved to scam folder !

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