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Who We Are


Make My Dollars is a duly incorporated investment company offering multiple financial services to its clients globally. The mission of Make My Dollars is to enhance people's financial security by providing them with experts' financial advice, high-quality implementation, excellent results, as well as with a range of impartially studied, optimized investment products. We cooperate with many large successful businesses worldwide assisting them in establishing long-term financial security. We are ready to make an investment plan for you regardless of its size in order to meet your specific needs.


Basic Partner:

1.8% Daily

Min: 10$

Max: 100$

Term, 99 days


Advance Partner:

2.0% Daily

Min: 101$

Max: 249$

Term, 99 days


Professional Partner:

2.4% Daily

Min: 250$

Max: 500$

Term, 99 days


Royal Partner:

3.0% Daily

Min: 501$

Max: 5000$

Term, 99 days



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As their plans are good enough with compound feature, but their designing quality is not so perfect like such elite site. I think only elite site can give us compound facility by which our daily profit will be invested automatically. All plans are sat for 99 days, though it's good for gain better profit but I think they need to reduce the maturity or bring some low scheme like 30 days plan. 1.8% daily RoI is very profitable for us and easily affordable for any serious business personality.

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This new program that has been started two days ago has been monitored by few monitoring websites of which few continue with the active status given to the program, but looks like there is problem with the payment system, one of the monitors, moved it's status to not paying, I am unsure about it though.

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Still we can not find any security system by which our important data will be safe perfectly. I wish that admin should need to add some security system very soon else there will be a chance of get hack. We can not judge this site perfectly because their didn't update their server status and yet not found any good monitor. We also waiting for some community forum.

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Yup, adding valid and strong SSL cert would definitely increase trust into the program among investors. Such thing shouldn't be overlooked by the admin.


But this program has very sustainable rates, and only going up to 3% daily this can very well stay around for a while. But given the low 1.8% daily ROI for the initial $10+ investment might not be that attractive due to the long 99 day term it has. Such long term and low ROI is definitely not for every investor, since the total earning will stay low. But it should be stable, so those not looking for very big returns have confidence in not losing their funds.

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Unfortunately, this long term program is not paying any more, it seems around ten days old and that is quite early for a long term project with reasonable ROI in their plans to turn out to be a scam, since the status is negative everywhere, it's time to move on !

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