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Posts posted by nikhilgupta14

  1. The rates are very low from the standard rates at present.


    Since the forum is new and is paying very little, it shows very low scope for surviving. They should atleast keep the rates higher in the start so as to attract people.


    The only thing good about the forum is that you can start unlimited no. of posts.

  2. The rates of the forum are quite high and I am hoping it to be legit.


    Have you received any payout from the site yet? If yes, then I would love to see the payment proofs.


    What is the minimum payout of the site?


    It is very difficult to make the account on the site as they are asking for a very difficult password with several complexities.

  3. I am not the admin but I have got payed once!


    You can also get the proof within a few minutes as the payout is instant.


    At Ptc2U.com you will get paid by visiting our sponsor's ads.


    We offer all features of today's PTC technology, including instant purchase processing and referral renting. Our payout minimum is at $0.01-10.


    • Earn $0.0100 per click

    • Earn $0.0025 per referral click


    As a member you have access to detailed statistics of your earnings and your referral's activity.



  4. The rates of the site are lower than normal as they are paying lower than this site as well.


    Secondly, if it is a fun place to be on then I would love to join it as I like sites which are both fun to be at and paying(how much they pay then does not matter to me)


    It is a new site so may be it will be increasing the rates in the future.

  5. So many changes have gone on here!

    their rates have been going down from $1 per post, to 75 cents, then to 30 cents, then 20 cents, and now 5 cents.

    It's unlikely they can run that cycle back up.


    It is not unlikely to go up the cycle for the site but it is not possible for them to reach $1 once again. They may increase the rates but it can only go upto 25-30 cents and no more.


    Already some of their rates have been increased and after all the payouts are processed, the admin is thinking of increasing the rates once again.

  6. The site is new but shows a lot of promise and it also has a new script.


    Though there have been no payouts yet it still looks legit and paying to me and so it is worth joining according to me.


    You will receive a $0.10 bonus to your rental balance for registering!

    You will receive a $0.10 bonus to your account balance for registering!

    You will receive a $0.10 bonus to your advertiser balance for registering!


    This is what that site is offering right now!

  7. I did not like the site much but can see good protection over here. Plans are very short term or hourly though returns are not excessive for short term. Minimum of 10$ is little high. Program being new monitor is in waiting status. Interesting stats:

    Running days 0

    Total accounts 112

    Active accounts 59

    Total deposited $ 2,826.23

    Total withdraw $ 363.22



    The figures of the site show some doubt. The plans are hourly which is good but otherwise I do not see much scope of investment in the site.


    The site looks a little doubtful to me and so some payment proofs about the site are required.

  8. The site is no doubt legitimate and paying. Recently they have decreased the rates per post from .20 to .005. There has always been a chaotic situation in tech doctor with the owners always changing the pay per post rates and a lot of other rules. Now they have said that because of abusers and cheaters they are making tech doctor a paid to post forum like other forums with low rates and they will not put any restrictions and strict rules as before. Even the membership fee for premium has come down to 5.99 $ a month.


    The rates have not decreased to $0.005 but they have decreased to $0.05.


    It is basically because of the problems that the site is going through and it will increase in some time.

  9. Info:Started Nov 4, 2010

    Running days 0

    Total accounts 113

    Active accounts 63

    Total deposited $ 2,158.01

    Total withdraw $ 3.88

    Visitors online 19

    Members online 11

    Last update Nov 4, 2010


    They have launched today and have not only received a decent amount of deposit but they also have had some withdrawals.


    According to their plans, at least one day of wait is required but they have had withdrawals on the first day itself.


    I need some proofs before thinking about the site as it looks risky to me.

  10. I like those admins who pay for our payment proofs, lolz~ Admin of this site planned to have this feature in future time as he stated in his latest update, however, he not yet mentioned when this feature will started.


    Happy New Month Today! As a team Cazainvestment have come together to take a decision that would favour our members as well as help to promote on project; We are going to be offering bonuses on every post a member make on forum to address concerns, challenges and possible way to improve the growth of our project on MMG, TG and DTM forum, This post also include payment proves, we need to let the general public know we are keeping to our payment plans.

    Finnally, we hope to add SolidTrustPay and BankWire within the shortest time. Have a great day having fun with cazainvestment.


    Pally Eppie.

    Relations Officer – CazaInvestment


    This is a good news that they are trying to prove that their site is legit above all the other things.


    They want to show it to the public that they are a legit site and have paid so many people.


    Their is not mention of our forum in the post which is bad!

  11. Completely a cheap site. I thought with the high ROI, it still managed to run for at least for 1 week... however, just running just for few days but GP already stated this site as "Not Paid" and blacklisted.



    It is very bad that the site has been black listed as I was thinking of investing in it.


    If the site could only run for a few days then many people would have lost their money?


    Is there any way that people who lose their money can get it back.

  12. Webs is a very great place to make our own websites but i have had many problems with the site.


    The first thing was that the site suddenly goes offline and does not work in my computer and sometimes it is difficult to find how to save the pages.

  13. The site looks good but the rates are quite low as $0.004 is not good.


    There are legit sites that pay you upto $0.02 and have been paying since a long time.


    The site also does not show any signs of sustaining for a long time.

  14. This site is a very big scam as it is not paying to anyone at the moment. They are waiting for some advertisers to come so that they get their revenue and then they will decide about the payouts. If you request it now, they may deduct it from your account on their site but will not give it to your paypal or other account.

  15. For this kind of payment, I think I will enjoy it most . But what the point is that I just can not active my account there.



    They are having some problems right now but they are trying to sort them out. They will soon sort out all the problems and you will get the activation links very fast.


    This is a minor problem and will soon be solved.

  16. Dear Techdoctor Community,


    We have tried to find out the right way to distribute points and the right rates. Since this was a site created for Tech Support we are going to help all you guys out, however the Premium Members really get the bonus here. Check These Rates Out:






    In Non-Tech Categories: 0.15

    In Tech Categories: 0.20




    In Non-Tech Categories: 0.25

    In Tech Categories: 0.30






    In Non-Tech Categories: 0.20

    In Tech Categories: 0.25




    In Non-Tech Categories: 0.35

    In Tech Categories: 0.40


    Best Regards,


    The Tech Doctor


    The rates have been recently decreased by the admin but still non-premium members can take only one payout which is of $20 only and the upgradation charges are only $14.99!



  17. This is a really good ptp and it is paying quite high amounts.


    The reason why there aren't many active members is that it only concentrates on forex and nothing else.


    So, many members of little or no knowledge about forex try to stay away from it.

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