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Posts posted by Shrenik

  1. The site design is very simple and not showing any monitors, investors seem to have no interest on this one as only 1 account is active. And if anyone would take the risk, first and second plans which offers daily payments would be logical choices, as the third one only pays after cycle ends which may never be reached.

    according to you it is logical to invest in 1 & 2nd plan but with cheap script & no security its better to stay away from this site

    currently there r many better options which you can select

  2. The site uses an ugly scrip, at least according to my standard. The rates are... I do not really understand the rate whether they will pay you daily or weekly. I say wait for its status in monitoring sites before investing.

    The layout is pretty professional with sustainable daily returns

    Site have DDOS,SSL as well is hosted on Dedicated Server

    ALso accepts LR,PM as well supports Bank Wire and Western Union.

  3. Im unable to open the site

    Here is the error which has been displayed


    408 Request Time-out


    This request takes too long to process, it is timed out by the server. If it should not be timed out, please contact administrator of this web site to increase 'Connection Timeout'.


    The returns are pretty and im not sure how long the site can sustain those.

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