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Posts posted by tracyrroman

  1. Alexa's Traffic Ranks are based on the traffic data provided by users in Alexa's global data panel over a rolling 3 month period. ... A site's ranking is based on a combined measure of Unique Visitors and Pageviews. Unique Visitors are determined by the number of unique Alexa users who visit a site on a given day.

  2. SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” ... All major search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo have primary search results, where web pages and other content such as videos or local listings are shown and ranked based on what the search engine considers most relevant to users.

  3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a way of marketing your business online. Good marketing means helping the right people find your products or services. If you want people to find you, you’re best to place yourself where they’re already looking. Where does the modern consumer go to search for answers to their problems? Google, Bing or Yahoo. In other words, search engines.

  4. Eye strain often is caused by excessively bright light either from outdoor sunlight coming in through a window or from harsh interior lighting. When you use a computer, your ambient lighting should be about half as bright as that typically found in most offices.

    Eliminate exterior light by closing drapes, shades or blinds. Reduce interior lighting by using fewer light bulbs or fluorescent tubes, or use lower intensity bulbs and tubes. If possible, position your computer monitor or screen so windows are to the side, instead of in front or behind it.

  5. Some simple steps you can try:

    • Breathe deeply, from your diaphragm; breathing from your chest won't relax you. Picture your breath coming up from your "gut."

    • Slowly repeat a calm word or phrase such as "relax," "take it easy." Repeat it to yourself while breathing deeply.

    • Use imagery; visualize a relaxing experience, from either your memory or your imagination.

    • Nonstrenuous, slow yoga-like exercises can relax your muscles and make you feel much calmer.

    Practice these techniques daily. Learn to use them automatically when you're in a tense situation.

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