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Posts posted by alextrader79

  1. I trade Forex for living as I've written somewhere earlier here. It is hard, and don't listen to people who tell it's easy or it can be achieved quickly. It's some sort of science-fiction. 
    Still, this was my long way and I trade for my living now, it was worth all the time I've spent on learning 

  2. Well, I won't agree it's too easy. It was too hard when I've just left my job and had to work on forex to make my living for the whole day and sometimes at night as well. 
    Nearly a year passed until I started getting nice profit to live comfortably. All the time I was struggling hard. Anyway, I don't regret about choosing this way as it suits me

  3. I always have a plan, for trading, for winning, for losing. I think that it is an obligatory point every trader should have. 

    Though, as it was said before, a backup plan doesn't lead to success and great profits, anyway, it can help me in losing situations and it HAS already :)

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