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Posts posted by bellaswan

  1. I agree. You do not really have to choose between the two because you can use both for free. However, for comparison, I think Facebook is better because it has more options and features compared to Twitter. You have more freedom and you can even get creative with your content to encourage readers' participation or the interaction in your posts. What's great about twitter is the power of hash tags. Trending on Twitter is definitely great news for your website.

  2. Hi! That is a rather refreshing approach in giving SEO tips since usually, people tell you about what you should do. I do have a question about one f your points. What kinds of advertisement obscure the content? I have ads i my blog and I would love to know if they obscure content or if they are causing any problems. Do you mean obscure literally or is it about technicalities? Also, thank you for your Yahoo! Answers suggestion. I will keep that in mind.

  3. I think quality content will never lose its charm. No matter what year it is, quality content will surely catch the attention of readers, will keep them interested if you consistently and regularly publish relevant and interesting posts. This will increase your traffic and it will get the attention of search engines too. I know that there are other technicalities needed but quality and relevant content is definitely on the top of the list.

  4. Hi zulqarnainsabir! Wow! That is a long display name. Anyway, I am TeacherAngel and my display name pretty much tells about who I am. This is an old account - well, not really old but not new either. Anyway, this is my first day to be active here in this forum. Welcome! :)

  5. People have different means of dealing with stress and anger. Some people resort to shopping, some to eating, some to meditation, some to other dangerous actions. Personally, I like to listen to music. The type of music even varies from time to time. There are times when I prefer to listen to loud rock music, Limpbizkit for example especially since they have anger and angst-filled lyrics. There are also times when I would listen to calming music such as the music of Norah Jones. I think you should try different methods, observe, then choose the best one that works for you.

  6. Both - Off course, there are other ways on how to earn money online but among all of these, I like earning from posting on forums the most. It is not the highest paying yet it is the most enjoyable method for me. I like talking, writing, sharing ideas and thoughts, and I enjoy learning from others as well. I think that posting on paid-to-post forums is a win-win solution for me. :)

  7. I agree with starptc. I am a beginner blogger and I have tried both Blogger and Wordpress. I think that Blogger is the best option for those who are new with blogging because its interface is much easier to understand and master but from what I have read, you can get more benefits when you use Wordpress which is recommended for advance bloggers. 

  8. Hi! I am a newbie in backlinking and I blog as a hobby. I do, manage a social media page for our family's beach resort. I submit articles to tourism websites and some of them have been published already. I also hold online contests from time to time as these are rather popular among the readers. I also do blog commenting. Like you, I would love to know about more strategies and learn more about backlinking and its advantages for our business.

  9. I think e-mail marketing is beneficial for the business owners as it does not cost a lot and you can easily reach your prospects as well as your previous customers. The challenge lies in coming up with e-mail content even as the subject which will attract the attention of the readers. It is indeed challenging to come up with such title and content which tells the readers that they just have to read it. 

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