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Posts posted by matiskater

  1. Hi all i just started with this site calles bux4ad this site is a paid to promote site!


    i dont know if any of you have been paid on this site yet, on the internet there are good reviews or neural reviews on the site no bad reviews! but the site has everything to be a scam.


    please if you dont know this site check it out and tell me what you think! http://bux4ad.com/_011a4f80.htm


    thank you also if you have been paid please post your payment proof




  2. yeah i find it great, everyone needs a rest..lol im trying to get on the most time as posible to trade and learn with my practice account, and since its closed its great actually, i just didnt really know why it was but thatnks for the answer guys




  3. Hi all im presenting to you this great site that is a flip coin game site that pays with Liberty Reserve.

    its really new you dont even need to register (your LR account number is your account and you recieve the payment instantly after you win.


    it pays 220% per win that means that if you play 1 dollar and you win you will get 2.20 dollars to your LR account instantly its really great.

    the winning probability is really big. it even has a jackpot wich is 1000 dolars instantly to your LR account. take advantage of this now since there arent that many members using it since its new (few days)


    here is the sites link: http://www.7GoldGame.com?ref=U1236550


    hope to see you there guys, and you win alot of money







    PD: 03/02/2011 15:30 56380553 U0579074 (7GoldGame.com) + $0.22 $0.01 $0.70 <----- small payment i recieved today

  4. Me if i want to withdraw i will prefer instant withdrawal option, or if i don't want to use the money i will go for the manual exchange. This opportunity will draw members to HD Money.

    yes mate definately, im making an hd account just for this forum... really good 25% rat it has here.. by the way, is this still going?


    thanks admin;)


  5. Hi all, im just starting on forex like many already might know...and i woke up today and found that the market is closed on weekends..=/ i really didnt know this before

    so it means that all forex market is closed on weekends? i thought it never closed

    by the way im using etoro to trade my forex


    thanks for responces guys




  6. yeah i would prefer to have a live mentor but curently im with an online mentor since i cant find live mentors in my area =/

    but yet again having an online mentor is free (some times) and easyer since it at home




  7. i was trying to look for lessons and courses on forex and i found this great site that has a video course and lessons.

    there are 13 videos that are separated by categories they are i total over 3 hours of lessons:


    this site has helped me alot in the past couple of days, hope it helps you too, here is the sites link:




    hope you learn something new




  8. ive been checking out the site for a while now and its great to see that you dont have fees for getting payments, wich is great since most e-currency sites have paying fees for that, also its nice to have my liberty reserve money transfered to cashx or back, no other sites i use or know have this feature where you can add funds from other e-currency sites:)


    will definatelly join




  9. im new to the forex thing, and etoro is my first platform im using, its really easy actually for beginners etc... it also has an expert mode if your expert you can use it, but its still fairly easy, it didnt take me much to learn using it (im still learning forex) and its my 3rd day using it in practice mode.


    hope many of you join;)




    • Upvote 1
  10. it is true that some times the techniques dont show a good signal of trade, id like to thank you for the thread since its another diferent way of looking at it from what ive been studying so far.

    There really isnt a true way for what ive seen, read and practiced that brings in profits to you 100% of the time, thanks again mate;)




  11. well i just started forex and im still practiceing with my etoro practice account...right now since im a student and im in vacation (one month left :( ) im trying to stay on the most i can to learn and prectice the most so in like 1 or 2 months if i feel im woth a good strategy ill go to my real money account.

    yesterday i stayed for 8 hours..ofcourse not in front of the computer at all times i had lunch dinner, watched some tv, etc.




  12. There are several reasons why a trader may lose out on trading. The most important reason is probably a lack of knowledge. The ignorant trader is sure to repeat his mistakes time and again.


    ok i just started on forex using etoro... im still using the practice account but im using it as much as a real money account, what i started doing was reading the info that im supposed to know (yes i still have a long way till i become an expert) and started trading a little bit everywhere, but i was loosing money....

    Now today i found the new insite feature etoro has where you can checkout what the biggest traders are doing, buying selling, etc..so i picked the top trader at the moment and the guy is buying eur/usd so he recently started and bought eur/usd so i did at the same price in the low risk, in just 15 minutes i closed the trade and got 8 dollars in profits in total, i bought eur/usd a couple more times and also got profits similar (one of them was of only 3)

    at the moment im in the middle of a trade, and i hope it will go good soon.


    that is the strategy im doing and i already am getting back what i lost before, ofcourse im not gonna do this once i get my real money account, but i feel like following the crowd is the best to do and youll loose the least...its good to take risks too but thats what im doing so far and ill be doing for a while.

    btw if anyone got any tips for me id love to hear them;)




  13. Post Checking have been made[Approved]


    Warning: 40%


    Net Amount: $ 0.70


    Points need to be deducted: -200



    - 80 points deducted for 40% warning level.

    - 50 points deducted for poor quality posts. Only few of your posts considered as "eligible" posts but most of them contained no value. Avoid 1-line posts especially those don't contained any information.


    thank you mod, i have read the rules that apply to this forum, and im being more carefull to post the most quality posts i can, i really just wanna say sorry for any inconvenience issued to you and thanks for your time and kindness:)




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